Those of you who have been trying to access the site this weekend will have been faced with the Sadosaurus. He was created for a specific purpose however, the site had problems which made him (and us) sad. Continue reading for more information.
Image credit: Synthesium
Sad Sageosaurus, he's apologising for what happened. Image credit: a3person
What Happened?Top ^
- On Sunday I decided to spring clean my largest server.
- It was a place where I used to run all my sites in one place
- although for the past few months each site has had its own server
- I had a large number of unused databases, and so I started dropping them
- I used to run an early version of a Trove website on my private site
- I dropped what I thought was the old Trove database
- ....
- It wasn't the old one, it was the current one
- Panic and backup attempts were attempted
- It turns out that the backup option I had activated only stored the files and not the database
- The last database backup was almost a year old
This was entirely user error, I caused the problem and I apologise for that. I've been working hard to make up for it. You guys have been incredibly supportive in Discord, and the artists have made life better with their great creations.
What were the consequences of that?Top ^
The data loss was significant, we use databases to power information such as:
- User accounts - you may need to recreate your Trovesaurus account
- News articles - you may find pages don't take you to where you expected if you had them saved or searched for them
- Art gallery - may be missing some pieces
- Builds - will need to be recreated from scratch, although we'll take this time to expand it for gems
- Trovesaurus Mails - won't be current
- Contests - will need to be re-entered
- Comments - will all be missing
- Livestream history - will all be missing
- Clubs - world ids, props history and membership information will be missing
What have you done to restore the website?Top ^
We have:
- moved the site onto its own server
- and activated a daily and weekly backup system that we can verify does what need it to
- restored the old user backup
- we've also enabled local account registration, which requires email activation
- recovered the full mod database, thanks to the data we export to make the mod loaders work
- Mods will need to be claimed by their authors, more on that later.
- recovered all previous guides, thanks to Digiwolf who worked hard on this
- Guides will need to be reclaimed by their authors, more on that later.
- restored about half of the art gallery, this was done manually and was painful
- Screenshots have not been restored, this includes builds
- Art will need to be reclaimed by their authors, more on that later
- reimported the Trove database from the client
- Translation files have been restored but user translations have not been restored
- Collections are restored but missing some grouping information
- Items are restored
- Styles are restored
- Recipes still need further imports
- recreated recent calendar events and giveaways
- You will need to sign up to these again
How can I claim my art?Top ^
To claim old art, you will need the "Artist" rank. This is given out by me so send me a message if you need this.
When viewing the Gallery you will see a new button, "View Unclaimed", it will list art that has not been claimed.
Viewing it will say that it is unclaimed, and what you need. If you already have the Artist rank there will be a claim button.
I may take steps to verify real ownership before granting Artist status to prevent abuse such as messaging you on Trove Forums.
How can I claim my mods?Top ^
Mods will still display in words who created them, but if you want to make edits to them you will need to claim them.
Viewing a mod will say that it is unclaimed, and what you need to do about it. If you already have the Modder rank there will be a claim button.
I may take steps to verify real ownership before granting Modder status to prevent abuse such as messaging you on the Trove Forums.
How can I claim my guides?Top ^
You will need to message me about this.
I love our artistsTop ^
Here are some more Sadosauruses that were created during the downtime.
Report Site IssuesTop ^
If you can find issues with the site, please let me know in comments and preferably with a screenshot too. If the thread gets too big I might make a more dedicated area for reports.

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Something else i didnt see there that i have noticed is that on the mods a lot of the links to forums have vanished which sux. atleast all the mods are still there... Although i did notice a few of my mods that were still linked to their forum posts.
You might want to check out the #artists channel in the Trovesaurus Discord or asking them on their art pages directly in the gallery.
While trying to set up my account again(last one was lost in the mistake) I ran across the fact that Chloromancer is missing from the site all together. Photo's of missing chloro I checked my profile to add my information and it wasn't listed. Same when you go to check the classes page.
There is any art or guide that t¡it isn't uploaded yet?? My guide and the images uploaded for contests can't be found; also I don't have the 2 reward tokens. Also, thanks you for have fixed a huge amount of notices and guides from trovesaurus.
Do you know what your guide was called? I see 6 images that were entered as part of a costume / build contests but I didn't upload them.
I couldn't find a cached copy of your "Mantle of Power (update)" guide.
It's fine, everyone makes mistakes Etaew. You have outdone yourself on fixing the problem and we all thank you for that.
It's completely alright that you messed up! Everyone does it once in a while. I took this as an opportunity to change all due things on my profile and you may have caused an error but you also took a lot of time into fixing it! Great job! You really deserve a pat on the back for everything you've done!