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Commented on: Disable Outline Effect by ExoDave mod
Commented on: Better invites - Configurable mod
My relist actions in the market ui are being denied for being too quick, is there a way to slow down the auto-accept besides disabling it with the config file?
Commented on: Disable Outline Effect by ExoDave mod
If you would like to disable the outline effect for yourself, first make a copy of the file the game provides* then open the file [Mod Description tells you which one with Microsofts Wordpad, or Notepad++] and search for "> low" without quotations, it should be the first of two results, change ">" to "<", then save.
*The copy is for backup purposes, using something like Microsofts Notepad doesn't treat the file correctly when saving. If they change how shader stuff works again, the other parts of the file will be incompatible so we're only making a precise adjustment to a specific portion. The outline mod also had muted or entirely disabled the light players gave off... Here are the 5 lines that were changed outside of the outline fix (imgur.com). Big Thanks to abbie for sharing their own fixed version so I could understand what effected what.
Commented on: Modern Gem Upcycling page
Someone else's recent results!
+3.45m dust for 2.7m flux, 0.78 flux per dust (imgur.com) across 7K boxes.
Commented on: Sunfest Returns! page
Taking down the Moon Touched Pinata God has a chance to provide a special, event-only mount Armored Abyss Assailant.
Think you meant Spawn of the Moontouched Menace. Putting a random mount drop on essentially a rampage only mob? we'll see how this plays out, don't imagine it going over well.
Commented on: Modern Gem Upcycling page
Tonight I put some of this into practice, wanted 156 Augments worth of dust and to do so I had opened (2,940) Uber-9 Gem Boxes (Prime) and only upcycled the Radiant and Stellar gems.
The total dust gained was 1.452m*, cost me about 1.171m Flux and 83 minutes of my time. The cost was roughly 0.81 Flux per dust this way, with Gem Day + Patron + Gem Fixture active. [Before/After (imgur.com)]
Traditionally I'd have to run 15.6k 1* dungeons with the gem fixture buff, on non-gem days, to gain that much dust from loot collecting [21,840] shadow boxes.
*48K extra from lopsided rng, plus two lv 15 gems initially kept but later loot collected
With 2000+(0.81 x 9000), 9.3K per Precise augment.
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/surface/gear
1300 wpn, 650x2 hat/face, 985x2 lessers, 1249 emp... 5819 is the max unbuffed, if using Berserk Battler emp ability it goes up to 6069/6569 depending on what stage the buff is at.
Commented on: How to Optimize Your DPS by Balancing Stats page
The question on everyones mind may be, if I gear for shadow towers can I still do U10? Short Answer - Yes if you use dmg emblems at this time of writing.
Let's pretend we want to farm U10 on a 5/7 15/9 Gunslinger (formally 3/6 13/5), our Base Light should be ~3800L rating fully augmented/gear/pearls, and you'll be doing about 22.6% of your normal damage.
I'll compare damage numbers from Overcharged (in millions, dmg emblem), taking boosts out of MD or CD.
Our Base with no Light boosts: 160.971 x 0.226, 36.38m
-2800MD|+200L: 158.196 x 0.255, 40.34m
-40CD|+200L: 158.219 x 0.255, 40.34m
In this case, is a 1.7% dmg ST reduction worth a 3.9~4% dmg increase in u10? Is it even necessary? (3) 36 or 40 million dmg shots don't change any outcomes to wether a U10 mob dies in less hits.
You want the NN? Haxstar below
Same layout No Light boosts: 496.667 x 0.266, 132.11m, still overkills
No emblem: 198.666 x 0.266, 52.84m, could oneshot most 1*'s
-2800PD|+200L: 195.241 x 0.255, 49.78m, uh oh we're worse off
-40CD|+200L: 195.179 x 0.255, 49.77m, not good
Things could change but that's how they are at this time. Not having a fully agumented NN myself, I hit for 97m and if I can only get around ~68% of that in the least likely of cases, 65m? dmg emblems are here to stay for farming.
Commented on: Geode Surface 5-Star Dungeons (Crystal Combat Update) page
Commented on: How to Optimize Your DPS by Balancing Stats page
It's good to see 5/4 10/8 on your list again for GS.
I may never be able to disprove 0/9 as the top in-game but I can share how I came up with my stuff (imgur) that hasn't yet been able to be widely confirmed.
Compare the boost layout to the 'GEM|DMG|CD' table, so something like 2/7 would be sum(6323.3,3733.4)*1.1 rounded down to the tenth then repeat for the second gem but then the third is sum(6323.3)*1.1 also rounded down to the tenth, then sum those emp gems along with the sum of ((lesser gems*lesser gem value)+(boost value*boosts))*1.1, equipment (dragons, fixtures, gear), and base stats, and then finally round down to the whole number. All that for Damage, the only thing that's different for CD is I leave the final tenth value intact. As you know, DMG% just scales the numbers higher.
I'm curious, what does your 5/4/10/8 dmg/cd numbers come out to be (since we can double check with a post I made earlier).. I will go back and try to calculated it the way you describe.. at the time of this writing I have to get up in 7hrs.
Personally my NN uses CD/MS MS/ER CD/MS, because I used to dragon hunt spamming backflip in the water and needed the ER from ring&wpn to stay topped off. I can switch back to MS/CD but perhaps people may pefer AS? on a class that already hit's thrice within a second (156AS). If you're one shotting I suppose the only thing left is to trim time attacking down.
Weirdness with abilities is something I agree on, I'm seeing like 1.197/6.1 coef for fae's basic/ego attack, I haven't gone back to confirm all the skills with a CD change yet to see if maybe it's some weird crit multiplier. I'll have to devise some simple calculator to flush that stuff out. And I cannot confirm pfiffels base damage numbers for skills, they don't reflect some dmg#'s in game either, and I'm not currently familiar with how to derive those skill base damage numbers yet. That's why I truncate my dmg calc/coef numbers to certain points to a degree I feel confident.
Commented on: Clock mod
While I like the clock, it would be nice if the dialog popup was updated. As-is it cuts off the mention of 4X rate for Ubers 6-9. Example here (youtube)
Commented on: November Database Update page
Thanks! Was curious if/what was going to be in the next extra life pack they planned for this month.
Commented on: Hotfix - November 13, 2018 page
We kept the +2 jump, since Heroes, if entering challenge as VG, a class switch inside challenge doesn't enable it.
Commented on: How to Optimize Your DPS by Balancing Stats page
Wasn't able to match the NN-HHH. sheet after combining damage sources* also, by quite an amount still. *(3) Basic attacks & Shuriken.
Commented on: How to Optimize Your DPS by Balancing Stats page
Likely right about the NN, since I base his coef off of the shuriken. I didn't read far enough for that one line mentioning his 'dps', which may come to mean a mix of his basic attacks and shuriken?
However my main concern was GS, I can confirm my current numbers ingame (imgur.com). If I peel away the current stuff I'm pretty close to you (imgur.com) but the exclusion of 5/4 10/8 on your list was very likely a mistake.
I'll be comparing gem boost layouts on PTS to my sheet whenever it comes online. I use summerhaas's specific numbers for the stats of the gem boosts rather than an approx.