Sunfest is a time to bask in the glow of the Sun Goddess’s love, but this year something is amiss. The Sun Goddess Statue is under attack from shadow piñatas. It‘s up to you to group together with likeminded Trovians to keep her safe!
When you first head to the hub during Sunfest, you will be asked by Qubesly to select the house you would like to represent during the event:
- House Pinatea – This pinata themed house provides magic find to members that display its banner.
- House Tysorion – This Trovian house provides jump to its banner holding patrons.
- House Carys – This Golden Vale themed house provides movement speed to its banner holders.
Once you have selected your banner you will be provided a quest to help protect the statue and fend off the invaders.
Every so often a mysterious portal will open up in the hub. Who knows what it has in store?
Oh wait, I do! On the other side of the Mysterious portal lies the Moon Touched Pinata God, a fearsome foe indeed.
While Sunfest is ongoing your house will also be looking for donations to help protect and rebuild the Sungoddess statue. You can see where you stack up in a special event only leaderboard.
Taking down the Moon Touched Pinata God has a chance to provide a special, event-only mount Armored Abyss Assailant.
When you have completed this questline, you will receive the Armored Abyss Assailant mount and a permanent house banner for your new friend to display!
Not just that, while you have your house banner equipped, you will also receive house coins from defeating the Sunfest invaders. Use these coins on collectables like the Dormant Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragments, Hyper Pinata Ex and more, or donate them to collaboratively for a chance to summon the piñatas in the hub.
Don’t miss out on this luminescent event, Trovians, and get ready to fight for your House!
Sunfest will be here from July 9 – July 22!
Sunfest specific currencies and temporary banners will vanish at the end of the Sunfest 2019.

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The quest line post has to say about selecting your house, that I can't switch "At this point." This post says that that will be the house u represent for the event (So I'm thinking whole event when I hear that.) HERE IS MY ???: There is a leaderboard for each house's donations, AND one for combined donations... showing all 3 types of coins. If there's a LB for combined, will there be a way to rep. different houses? If anyone knows B4 it's made obvious. Please let me/ us know. Ty
Taking down the Moon Touched Pinata God has a chance to provide a special, event-only mount Armored Abyss Assailant.
Think you meant Spawn of the Moontouched Menace. Putting a random mount drop on essentially a rampage only mob? we'll see how this plays out, don't imagine it going over well.