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Commented on How to Optimize Your DPS by Balancing Stats page
It's good to see 5/4 10/8 on your list again for GS.
I may never be able to disprove 0/9 as the top in-game but I can share how I came up with my stuff (imgur) that hasn't yet been able to be widely confirmed.
Compare the boost layout to the 'GEM|DMG|CD' table, so something like 2/7 would be sum(6323.3,3733.4)*1.1 rounded down to the tenth then repeat for the second gem but then the third is sum(6323.3)*1.1 also rounded down to the tenth, then sum those emp gems along with the sum of ((lesser gems*lesser gem value)+(boost value*boosts))*1.1, equipment (dragons, fixtures, gear), and base stats, and then finally round down to the whole number. All that for Damage, the only thing that's different for CD is I leave the final tenth value intact. As you know, DMG% just scales the numbers higher.
I'm curious, what does your 5/4/10/8 dmg/cd numbers come out to be (since we can double check with a post I made earlier).. I will go back and try to calculated it the way you describe.. at the time of this writing I have to get up in 7hrs.
Personally my NN uses CD/MS MS/ER CD/MS, because I used to dragon hunt spamming backflip in the water and needed the ER from ring&wpn to stay topped off. I can switch back to MS/CD but perhaps people may pefer AS? on a class that already hit's thrice within a second (156AS). If you're one shotting I suppose the only thing left is to trim time attacking down.
Weirdness with abilities is something I agree on, I'm seeing like 1.197/6.1 coef for fae's basic/ego attack, I haven't gone back to confirm all the skills with a CD change yet to see if maybe it's some weird crit multiplier. I'll have to devise some simple calculator to flush that stuff out. And I cannot confirm pfiffels base damage numbers for skills, they don't reflect some dmg#'s in game either, and I'm not currently familiar with how to derive those skill base damage numbers yet. That's why I truncate my dmg calc/coef numbers to certain points to a degree I feel confident.