
The scent of the sea clings to its unmarred surface. Can be bought from Saltwater Sam in Drowned Worlds.

Can be used at the Shadowy Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2018 event, these coins will disappear at the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.

The Moon Goddess held domain over all aspects of the mind, including magic and sorcery.

Craftable at the Cube Converter. So fresh.

Light the darkness. Rumors suggest a connection between this torch and the fiery Balephantoms found within Delves.

Win the skeleton war with this limited-time Shadow's Eve offer!\n\nIncludes the Colossal Skullcrawler mount, the Nefarious Nekomancer Costume (Tomb Raiser), the Impish Tormentor Costume (Lunar Lancer), the Haunted Pumpkinling ally, and the Bonkers ally.

This precious friend is here to help you become stronger. Gemsly loves you just the way you are. Earned from Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest.

This mask is encrusted with beautiful gems. Earned from Gemsly's Gem Expertise Quest.

You are now a Gem Master and are ready to take on the challenges that await on the surface of Geode. Your new power is sure to bring more folks into the hub to both teach you and ask for your aide. Before you go, upgrade a gem once more, for old time's sake.

Subterranean Scramble 4/7: Everyone now knows my shadow is missing and surely someone saw him making his escape. See if you can find someone with information in the Trove Hub. Make sure you search everywhere.