
Can be used at the Shadowy Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2019 event, these coins will disappear shortly after the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.

Raft class ship. Can be bought from Saltwater Sam in Drowned Worlds.

Smells like peppermint. Snowy Seals can be used at the Snowfest Table in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections\n\nEarned by completing Snowfest 2019 Event Adventures, these festive coins will disappear shortly after the end of Snowfest 2019.

Agent Adventure

Geodian Guild Adventure

Can be used at the Bunfest Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections during and shortly after Bunfest 2020. A token granted during the Bunfest 2020 event, these coins will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.

Can be used at the Bunfest Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft Bunfest collections during and shortly after Bunfest 2020. Earned by defeating Egg Dungeons and finding hidden eggs during the Bunfest 2020 event, this chocolate will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.

Can be used at the Bunfest Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft Bunfest collections during and shortly after Bunfest 2020. Earned by defeating Egg Dungeons during the Bunfest 2020 event, this chocolate will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.

Dynamic Shielding

Use the Atlas from the Menu to move to another world.