Any fish or boots will work! Talk to Saltwater Sam in a Drowned World to get started.
Rewarded for completing a Geodian Guild Adventure.
完成 Geode Adventure [桔歐德冒險任務] 之獎勵
It's time to explore the depths of Geode, Trovian! I'm Amberine.
The caves are too dangerous for most Geodians, but the Sunseekers have opened portals just for Trovians like you.
You can use either the portal down below in the Geodian Guild Hall or the Atlas to get to Geode. Once you land in Geode take an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the purple portal to Moonglow Grotto.
Trovian,歡迎來到Geode!我是 Amberine [安博琳]\n\n你有協助逐日者 Rowan [羅文] 建造回來Geode的飛船對吧?他說你還沒準備好對抗UBER級別的暗影怪\n\n首先,你需要採集資源來升級你的裝備,那意味著你需要深入Geode地底洞窟!對於絕大多數的Geode星人而言太危險了,但逐日者們已為你開好傳送門\n\n使用空氣梯前往位於下層的 Mining Facility [挖掘設施],穿越紫色傳送門進入 Moonglow Grotto [月光石窟]
A beginner's pole. Can be bought from Saltwater Sam in Drowned Worlds.
[初心者釣竿]\n可以在Hub大廳右後方的釣魚小屋向鹽水山姆(Saltwater Sam)購買
A sweet angling rod for fishing in chocolate. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
A heat-resistant pole which unlocks fishing in lava. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
A legendary fishing rod said to enchant any fish that swims nearby. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
Explodes on impact. Can be used to damage or destroy dungeon blocks. Hold down button to aim.
Craftable at an Adventurer's Crafting Bench
Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from the first six Shadowy Soul Vaults opened in Delves each week.