January 21, 2020

Heckbugs in Love!

Fend off the invaders and help Heckbugs find love!

Leviathan Vault

Use a Leviathan Key nearby to claim your reward.
使用 Leviathan Key [利維坦鑰匙] 來開啟寶箱獲得你的戰利品

Preserved Pow Meat
Preserved Pow Meat

This tasty Pow Flank can be used attract a friendly Heckbug to follow you around for 10 minutes.\n\nPreserved Pow Meat will rot away at the end of Heckbugs in Love 2020.
[保存良好的戰俘肉]\n這塊美味的戰俘側邊肉可以用來吸引友善的 Heckbug [地獄蟲] 來跟隨你10分鐘\n\n[保存良好的戰俘肉] 在2020 Heckbugs in Love [地獄蟲戀愛了] 活動結束後腐爛消失

Leviathan Key
Leviathan Key

Use this key on a Leviathan Vault to claim your rewards.
[利維坦鑰匙]\n用來開啟 Leviathan Vault [利維坦寶箱] 獲得獎勵

Help Cave Critters

Heckbugs In Love 1/8: Hi Trovian! It's me, Qubesly. The Heckbugs went into hiding last year, but this year they seem to be back in force. They are difficult to defeat without a friendly Heckbug to help out. Dive down into the depths of geode and befriend cave critters. If you're kind enough, I'll give you something to attract Heckbug friends of your very own.
地獄蟲戀愛了! 1/8:哈囉冒險者!是我庫柏斯利,去年地獄蟲躲起來,但今年他們又回到地表蠢蠢欲動,沒有友善的地獄蟲幫助的話是很難擊敗他們的\n\n深入桔歐德地底洞窟並幫助度洞窟小動物們,如果你夠友善的話我會給你一些道具來幫助你結交到你專屬的地獄蟲夥伴