January 21, 2020

Use the Preserved Pow Meat

Heckbugs In Love 2/8: You've more than proven yourself at this point, Trovian. Use that Preserved Pow Meat I just gave you to draw out a Heckbug to follow you around. Heckbugs are curious critters and will run off after a little while, but don't worry, another one will show up if you throw the Preserved Pow Meat again.
地獄蟲戀愛了! 2/8:你已經證明你自己了冒險者,使用我剛剛給你的 Preserved Pow Meat [保存良好的戰俘肉] 來吸引地獄蟲跟隨你。地獄蟲是很好奇的小動物,過一段時間後就會跑走,但別擔心,再使用一次保存良好的戰俘肉就會在吸引另一隻地獄蟲出來

Defeat Heckbugs in the Dragonfire Peaks

Heckbugs In Love 3/8: The Dragonfire Peaks are swarming with Heckbugs, but now that you have one of your own you can really turn the tables. Head out there and take those Heckbugs down. Maybe, if you're lucky, one of them will fall in love with your companion and leave you a special surprise!
地獄蟲戀愛了! 3/8: Dragonfire Peaks [龍火山峰] 湧入了大量的地獄蟲,但現在你擁有一隻你專屬的地獄蟲夥伴可以扭轉局勢,前往龍火山峰並打敗地獄蟲。如果你夠幸運的話,其中一隻會與你的夥伴陷入愛河並留給你一個特別的驚喜!

Collect Skittering Heart Boxes from Heckbugs

Heckbugs In Love 4/8: These Heckbugs are a bit overwhelming, but sometimes they hand over Skittering Heart Boxes when they are defeated! Take more of them out, will you? I don't want to be over run! Make sure you keep that Pow Meat close at hand. It is key to taking these things down.
地獄蟲戀愛了! 4/8: 這些地獄蟲的數量有點過於龐大了,但有時候擊敗他們時會給予 Skittering Heart Box [跳動之心寶箱]!擊敗更多的地獄蟲好嗎?我不想被這些地獄蟲打敗。要確保你隨時都可以拿到戰俘肉,那是將他們打敗的關鍵

Defend against Invasions

Heckbugs In Love 5/8: As if the roaming Heckbugs weren't enough, they are coming from the sky too?! Bad news, Trovian. I don't think your companion can help you here. Those Heckbugs are too nasty for love.
地獄蟲戀愛了! 5/8:這些地獄蟲在地表肆虐好像還不夠,現在居然也入侵到天空去了?!有壞消息,冒險者,我不認為你的夥伴在那可以幫上忙,那些地獄蟲太渴望愛情了

Equip a Heckbug Mount

Heckbugs In Love 6/8: Thank you for all your help Trovian, equip a Skitterling or Monarch mount to celebrate the season. I just gave you one called the 'Electric Skitterling' that would look great right now.
地獄蟲戀愛了! 6/8:非常感謝你的協助冒險者,現在裝備 Skitterlig [紅色地獄蟲] 或 Monarch [君主地獄蟲] 坐騎來慶祝這個季節。我剛剛給你一隻 Electric Skitterling [電擊地獄蟲],看起來應該很不錯