January 21, 2020
Help Heckbugs find love
Heckbugs In Love 7/8: I've been talking to the Heckbugs and it sounds like they really want to find someone special this season. Head back out to the Dragonfire Peaks and make as many Heckbug introductions as you can. Sooner or later they are bound to find some Heckbug they mesh with.
地獄蟲戀愛了! 7/8:我一直在和地獄蟲們溝通,聽起來他們在這個季節真的很想要找到最特別的另一半。前往 Dragonfire Peaks [龍火山峰] 並協助地獄蟲們相親,他們遲早都會找到屬於自己的另一半的
Open Lockboxes
Heckbugs In Love 8/8: Thank you for helping out those Heckbugs. Now its time to do something we both love, open boxes! Open up boxes and happy Heckbug season, Trovian!.
地獄蟲戀愛了! 8/8:感謝你幫助那些地獄蟲們,現在是時候來做些我們最愛的事情:開寶箱!開寶箱並好好享受歡樂的地獄蟲季節吧冒險者!