We all get lost sometimes....
VERIDIUM. That's all I need to be done with this planet, but I can't find it. Maybe you will have better luck, mind helping me out?
Mine VERIDIUM to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.
VERIDIUM。この星でやるべきことはそれだけなのに、見つからない。もしかしたら幸運が訪れるかも知れません、手伝ってくれませんか?\nVERIDIUM を集めると、HubにいるOvertasked Discipleとの取引がアンロックされる。
Mine Veridium
You'd think you could find green in a sea of red.
Your service is appreciated, but your work is never done.
UNSIGHTLY WEEDS, everywhere I look instead of glorious fae fauna I see weeds. This is unacceptable. When I screamed for the gardner I was informed that I had fired the gardener. Given that, I must find a replacement. You seem capable.
As regeant of all of the Fae that I can see I conscript you to pull every UNSIGHTLY WEED you can see.
Find and pull weeds from the ground in the CURSED VALE, FAE FOREST, JURASSIC JUNGLE, and FORBIDDEN SPIRES.
どこを見ても雑草だらけだ。これは許せない。庭師を呼んで叫んだら、私が庭師をクビにしたと知らされた。そうなると、後任を探さなければならない。ふむ、お前は使えそうだな。すべてのFaeの責任者として、お前に目につくすべての雑草を引き抜くよう命じる。CURSED VALE、FAE FOREST、JURASSIC JUNGLE、FORBIDDEN SPIRESの地面から雑草を見つけ、引き抜く。
Remove Unsightly Weeds
Unsightly Weeds を取り除く
Unisghtly, unwanted, and most importantly, unaccecptable.