Your howlug looks happy to be with you! Hehe. I can understand why.\n\nFeel free to explore as you like.\n\nOnce you get enough resources for your next GAS upgrade, you'll be able to go into Tier 3! That's further than I've ever gone. I'm impressed!\n\nOne more thing, while I've still got you: Thank you for coming to Geode. I was skeptical when Rowan told us that you might be able to save us. But after meeting you... I've never been so happy to be wrong.\n\nGather materials to upgrade your GAS to explore Tier 3 and beyond.
你的Howlug跟你在一起看起來非常開心呢! 呵呵。 我能理解。\n\n開始自由的冒險吧。\n\n當你獲得足夠的資源升級你的GAS,你就可以前往階級3的洞穴了! 這就比我去的還遠了。 這讓我感到印象深刻!\n\n當我還遇的到你時,我還有一件事想跟你說:感謝你來到Geode。 我剛開始很懷疑Rowan說你可能可以拯救我們。 不過在遇見你之後... 我從未如此開心我是錯的。\n\n收集資源來升級你的GAS以探索階級3以後的洞穴。

Upgrade Your GAS