AHA! Just the Trovian I was looking for. \n\nA once-buoyant little Howlug under my care has been ill lately. To cheer her up, I'd like to surround her with her favorite plants - cave birds! Twenty beautiful, bountiful cave birds will brighten her spirits in no time.\n\nGather 20 cave birds from Sunken Sunvault. Cave birds only grow in Tier 2 and beyond.
哈!剛好遇到我正在找的Trovian。\n\n我照顧的小小Howlug最近生病了。 為了讓它開心起來,我想用它最喜歡的植物-Cave Birds包圍它! 20個許多漂亮的Cave Birds將會立刻讓它充滿精神。\n\n從Sunken Sunvault收集20個Cave Birds。 Cave Birds只生長在階級2以後的洞穴。

Gather Cave Birds
收集Cave Birds

The Cave Birds weren't enough! This sweet Howlug has lost nearly all her bounce. She was so bouncy before! It saddens me to see her this way. I've written it all down in my latest book if you care to read more.\n\nIn any case, I believe what'll really put some bounce in her step is some acrobat bark.\n\nGather 20 acrobat bark from the ceilings of Moonglow Grotto. Acrobat bark only grows in Tier 2 and beyond.
Cave Birds還是不夠! 這個可愛的Howlug已經快要失去它所有的彈性了。 它以前超活蹦亂跳的說! 看到它這樣我好傷心。 如果你想知道更多,我已經在我最新的書中寫下了這一切。\n\n無論如何,我相信能讓它恢復的東西就是一些Acrobat Bark了。\n\n從Moonglow Grotto的天花板上收集20個Acrobat Bark。 Acrobat Bark只生長在階級2以後的洞穴。

Gather Acrobat Bark
收集Acrobat Bark

What a day! It turns out this Howlug wasn't ill at all – only pregnant! They're quite skilled at hiding it, you see, even from me! And I've written thirty books on it!\n\nThe Howlug was so grateful for your assistance, she insisted that you have one of her eggs.\n\nCome have a look at the Egg Incubator at the Companion Ranch to the east and I'll show you how to use it.
多麼美好的一天! 結果這隻Howlug不是生病... 而是懷孕了! 它們真的很會隱瞞,甚至連我都被騙到了! 而我已經為了這個寫了30本書!\n\n這隻Howlug非常感謝你的協助,所以它堅持要給你它的一顆蛋。\n\n過來位於東方的夥伴牧場(Companion Ranch)中的孵化器(Egg Incubator)看看,我會教你如何使用。

Check out the Egg Incubator
查看孵化器(Egg Incubator)

Place place your egg inside the Egg Incubator and watch it hatch!\n\nI have a feeling this one will hatch quickly. It must be excited to meet its proud new caretaker!
將你的蛋放入孵化器(Egg Incubator)並看著它孵化!\n\n我有預感這個會很快就孵化了。 它一定很期待見到它偉大的新主人!

Hatch Your Howlug

Wow! You really have your own companion? Gabbro says it takes a LOT for cave creatures to trust you. I'm almost jealous.\n\nGabbro told me that these creatures help you out as you explore. You can even level them up at the Companion Trainer if you have Bond Crystallizer!\n\nYou should bring this Howlug with you into the caves and see what it can do.
哇! 你真的有了你的夥伴了嗎? Gabbro說過這需要非常努力才能得到洞穴動物的青睞呢。 我甚至有點忌妒了。\n\nGabbro告訴我這些生物能夠幫助你探索。 如果你有連結結晶器(Bond Crystallizer),你甚至可以在夥伴訓練器(Companion Trainer)將他們升級!\n\n你應該帶這隻Howlug進洞穴裡,看看它能做些甚麼。

Bring Howlug into the Caves