It's time to explore the depths of Geode, Trovian! I'm Amberine.
The caves are too dangerous for most Geodians, but the Sunseekers have opened portals just for Trovians like you.
You can use either the portal down below in the Geodian Guild Hall or the Atlas to get to Geode. Once you land in Geode take an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the purple portal to Moonglow Grotto.
Trovian,歡迎來到Geode! 我是Amberine。\n\n你幫助Sunseeker Rowan建造了前往Geode的飛船對吧? 他說你還沒準備好面對超能等級的暗影\n\n首先,你需要收集材料來升級你的裝備。這意味著你必須前往在Geode下方的洞穴!他們對Geode的居民而言太過危險,但是Sunseekers已經為你開通了傳送門了。\n\n搭乘氣流電梯下樓前往採礦設施(Mining Facility),接著使用紫色的傳送門進入Moonglow Grotto。
Go to Moonglow Grotto
前往Moonglow Grotto
The main parts of your discovery suit are the GAS, or Geodian Acclimation System, and N-Charge. The GAS allows you to withstand the caves' atmosphere longer, while the N-Charge powers the rest of your modules.\n\nMy favorite module is the Climbing Claw! It can grapple onto higher ledges or knock back critters - without injury, of course. We Geodians would never harm a thing!\n\nUse your Climbing Claw and latch onto a wall or ledge.
GAS(又稱Geodian Acclimation System,Geode探險者適應系統)和N-Charge是你探索裝備中最主要的一部分。 GAS讓你可以待在洞穴裡的環境中更久,而N-Charge則為你的其他裝備提供能量。\n\n我最喜歡的裝備是鉤爪(Climbing Claw)! 他可使你鉤向高處或是擊退生物(當然沒傷害)。 我們Geodian永遠不傷害東西!\n\n使用你的鉤爪(Climbing Claw)攀向牆壁或高處。
Use Your Climbing Claw
使用你的鉤爪(Climbing Claw)
For all your gathering needs, you've got the Omni-Tool.\n\nIt's short-range for now, but you can upgrade that later at the Module Forge.\n\nUse your Omni-Tool.
為了你採集的需要,你拿到了全能工具(Omni-Tool)!\n\n現在作用的距離很短,不過你之後可以在組件鍛造台(Module Forge)將之升級。 使用你的全能工具(Omni-Tool)。
Use Your Omni-Tool
YOU THERE! If you MUST invade the home of the creatures who live in these caves, I insist you help them.\n\nI had Amberine give you Critter Treats, Curing Kits, and Comfort Blankets to tend to the cave critters you find. They should already be equipped to your hotkey bar. If you run out, make more at our sanctuary's Crystallogy Center using materials from the caves.\n\nHelp 3 cave critters. Use Critter Treats on hungry critters, Curing Kits on injured critters, and Comfort Blankets on cold critters.
嘿! 如果你必須入侵那些住在洞穴的生物的家,我堅持要你幫助他們。\n\n我有Amberine要給你的生物食物(Critter Treats),治療包(Curing Kits)和舒適毛毯(Comfort Blankets),依照你遇到的生物給予指定的物品。 它們應該已經裝備到你的快捷鍵了。 如果你用完了,就在避難所(Sanctuary)的水晶學中心(Crystallogy Center)使用從洞穴裡獲得的材料製作。\n\n幫助3個洞穴生物。 對飢餓的生物使用生物食物(Critter Treats),受傷的生物使用治療包(Curing Kits),對寒冷的生物使用舒適毛毯(Comfort Blankets)。
Help 3 Cave Critters
Oof. Did Sunseeker Gabbro yell at you? Our Companion Master's frazzled after caring for all the creatures being hurt by Shadows... He doesn't mean anything by it.\n\nWhy don't you go gather some materials for us? That would get you in Gabbro's good graces for sure.\n\nUse your Omni-Tool to gather 40 gleamstone, moonstone, day drops, or dream dew in Moonglow Grotto.
噢,Sunseeker Gabbro對你大吼大叫嗎?我們的夥伴大師在照顧所有被暗影傷害的生物後疲憊不堪... 他不是有意的。\n\n你何不去幫我們採些材料? 這肯定會讓你得到Gabbro的青睞。\n\n使用你的全能工具(Omni-Tool)在Moonglow Grotto收集任意40個gleamstone, moonstone, day drops, dream dew。
Gather in Moonglow Grotto
在Moonglow Grotto收集資源