
Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be found rarely in Delves from the Volcanic Vaults. The deeper the floor - the higher chance of their drop.

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub or the Resistor Workbench!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from Lesser Neon Caches as:\n1 as common drop; \n5 as uncommon drop; \n25 as rare drop.

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from wild Flakbeard in Treasure Isles.\n\n Amount of fragments depends on Uber:\nFrom Uber-1 to Uber-4 - 1 fragment\nFrom Uber-5 to Uber-6 - 2 fragments\nUber-7 - 3 fragments\nUber-8 - 4 fragments\n Uber-9 - 5 fragments

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from Light Chaos Vaults (1 as common drop and 3 as uncommon drop) crafted at the Chaos Core Crafter Workbench! Also can be obtained from deconstructing Wings of the Pegasus (5 per wings) and Princess Prancy Prance (10 per mount).

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be bought from Tier three Traveling Merchant fixtures for 12000 Adventurine per fragment.

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely when harvesting Sunlight Bulbs in Peaceful Hills.

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from wild Thallasion found in Open Seas.\n\n Amount of fragments depends on Uber:\nFrom Uber-1 to Uber-4 - 1 fragment\nFrom Uber-5 to Uber-6 - 2 fragments\nUber-7 - 3 fragments\nUber-8 - 4 fragments\n Uber-9 - 5 fragments

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from Dark Chaos Vaults (1 as common drop and 3 as uncommon drop) crafted at the Chaos Core Crafter Workbench! Also can be obtained from deconstructing Wings of the Dark Pegasus (5 per wings) and Princey McEvilface (10 per mount).

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from wild Dracocolatl who can be found in Candoria.\n\n Amount of fragments depends on Uber:\nFrom Uber-1 to Uber-4 - 1 fragment\nFrom Uber-5 to Uber-6 - 2 fragments\nUber-7 - 3 fragments\nUber-8 - 4 fragments\n Uber-9 - 5 fragments

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely when mining Infinium Ore.

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained uncommonly when mining Crystalized Cloud.

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be found uncommonly from Dungeons in the Cursed Skylands.

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub or the Resistor Workbench!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from Lesser Neon Caches as:\n1 as common drop; \n5 as uncommon drop; \n25 as rare drop.

Bad date


Greater Geodian Topside Cache contains more loot than lesser + rarely can give tradeable collectables. \nDoes not have Karma bar. \n\nCommon - 86%\n Crystalline Cores x10\nUncommon - 13%\n Crystalline Cores x15 - 6.13%\n Pearl of Wisdom x1 - 1.23%\n Radiant Sovereigns x2 - 1.23%\n Builder's Rough Focus x1 - 2.45%\n Builder's Precise Focus x1 - 1.23%\n Builder's Superior Focus x1 - 0.61%\n Contained Chaos Spark x1 - 0.12%\nRare - 1%\n Tradable Mount: Sunseeker's Glider - 0.11%\n Tradable Mount: Surface Stalker - 0.11%\n Tradable Mount: Twilight Stalker - 0.11%\n Tradable Mount: No-Leaf Rovre - 0.03%\n Tradable Geode Costume for Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Vanguardian, Knight, or Revenant - 0.55%\n Tradable Legendary Tome: Cosmic Gem Dust Omnibus - 0.03%\n Tradable Legendary Tome: Crystalline Core Compendium - 0.03%\n Tradable Ally: Ochre Sand Squid - 0.03%\n Tradable Ally: Burning Bantam - 0.03%\n

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely from Adventure boxes and Locked Adventurine Strongboxes.

Bad date


Glowing Geodian Topside Cache only tradeable collectables from Greater Geodian Topside Cache's loot poll. \nDoes not have Karma bar. \n\nCollectables - 100%\n Tradable Mount: Sunseeker's Glider - 1.1%\n Tradable Mount: Surface Stalker - 11%\n Tradable Mount: Twilight Stalker - 11%\n Tradable Mount: No-Leaf Rovre - 3%\n Tradable Geode Costume for Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Vanguardian, Knight, or Revenant - 55%\n Tradable Legendary Tome: Cosmic Gem Dust Omnibus - 3%\n Tradable Legendary Tome: Crystalline Core Compendium - 3%\n Tradable Ally: Ochre Sand Squid - 3%\n Tradable Ally: Burning Bantam - 3%\n

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely when mining on the Geode Topside.

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Hatch one of three primordial dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub. They each have unique and powerful abilities.\n\nDiamond Dragon Eggs can be obtained very rarely from Empowered Gem Boxes or crafted for 400 Diamond Dragonite at Dragon Crucible.

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis egg can be obtained rarely from Pinatas.

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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis egg can be obtained during Sunfest.

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