Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely from Shadow Caches.
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Gem Booster Box contains Gem Dust of all 4 gem types, Boosters, Augment Materials, Golden Gem Keys or rarely can give you Empowered Gem Box or Ninth Life booster.\nEvery 70th opened box will contain rare loot with 100% chance. Patron doubles the speed of charging the karma bar. \n\nCommon - 86%\n Water Gem Dust x200, x250, x300, x350, x400\n Air Gem Dust x200, x250, x300, x350, x400\n Fire Gem Dust x200, x250, x300, x350, x400\n Cosmic Gem Dust x200, x250, x300, x350, x400\n Jade Clover x12\n Glittering Horseshoe x3\n Lapis Luckbug x1\n Binding Darkness x1\n Golden Gem Key x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Lapis Luckbug x3, x5, x6, x7\n Binding Darkness x2\n Golden Gem Key x4\nRare - 0,95%\n Empowered Gem Box x1\nVery Rare - 0,05%\n Empowered Gem Box x5\n Ninth Life x1
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Empowered Gem Box contains Radiant & Stellar Empowered Gems, Class Gem Key & its Fragments, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.\nDoes not have Karma Bar. \n\nCommon - 86%\n Empowered Water Gem (Radiant rarity) x1 \n Empowered Air Gem (Radiant rarity) x1\n Empowered Fire Gem (Radiant rarity) x1\n Empowered Cosmic Gem (Radiant rarity) x1\n Class Gem Key Fragment x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Empowered Water Gem (Stellar rarity) x1\n Empowered Air Gem (Stellar rarity) x1\n Empowered Fire Gem (Stellar rarity) x1\n Empowered Cosmic Gem (Stellar rarity) x1\n Class Gem Key x1\nRare - 0,95%\n Prism of Light x1\nVery Rare - 0,05%\n Diamond Dragon Egg x1
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely from following bee-like creatures:\nHive Bee<\font>\nCyberdrone<\font>\nDecompier<\font>\nFirefly<\font>\nMagmito<\font>\nStingdrake<\font>\nTaseroid<\font>\nWaspider<\font>\nCandy Cornet<\font>\nShadow Shocksting<\font>\nVesracna<\font>\nShadow Stingshot<\font>\nAmperium Hive Drone<\font>
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Lustrous Gem Box contains Builder's Focuses, Contained Chaos Spark & Flare. \nDoes not have Karma Bar.\nLoot:\n Builder's Rough Focus - 54%\n Builder's Precise Focus - 16%\n Builder's Superior Focus - 7% \n Contained Chaos Spark - 16% \n Contained Chaos Flare - 7%
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Found in tiers 1-3, this box contains all 3 tiers of main ore each in amount of 25.\nDoes not have Karma bar. \n\nCommon - 86%\n Gleamstone x25\nUncommon - 13%\n Builderite x25\nRare - 1%\n Ancient Gears x25
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Found in tiers 3-5, this box contains 2 & 3 tiers of main ore: 25 Builderite as common, 50 Builderite as uncommon or Ancient Gears as rare.\nDoes not have Karma bar. \n\nCommon - 86%\n Builderite x25\nUncommon - 13%\n Builderite x50\nRare - 1%\n Ancient Gears x50
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Found in tier 5, this box contains tier 3 of main ore, Ancient Gears, in amount of 25, 50 & 100.\nDoes not have Karma bar. \n\nCommon - 86%\n Ancient Gears x25\nUncommon - 13%\n Ancient Gears x50\nRare - 1%\n Ancient Gears x100
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Contains Flux, Plasmium & Robotic Salvages. As Uncommon & Rare - the increased amount of them!
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis egg can be obtained very rarely from Shadow Caches.
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be found rarely in Delves from following citizens of Amperia and the Neon Underground:\nAmperium Hive Drone<\font>\nAmperium Infantry Drone<\font>\nAmperium Launcher<\font>\nAmperium Mobile Artillery<\font>\nAmperium Punchbot v2.0<\font>\nAmperium Robowraith<\font>\nAmperium Spiderbot<\font>\nBiped Cannonbot<\font>\nBladebot<\font>\nCyberdrone<\font>\nCyberian Android<\font>\nDecompiler<\font>\nFlying Cannonbot<\font>\nRobospider<\font>\nTaseroid<\font>
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely from collecting shadow shards in Delves and following robotic creatures:\nCyberdrone<\font>\nTaseroid<\font>\nDecompiler<\font>\nAmperium Hive Drone<\font>\nCyberian Android<\font>\nAmperium Infantry Drone<\font>\nAmperium Launcher Crab<\font>\nFlying Cannonbot<\font>\nAmperium Plasma Projector<\font>\nAmperium Plasma Blade<\font>\nEye of the Overlords<\font>\nPunchbot<\font>\nFridgebot<\font>\nSaloonbot<\font>\nAmperium Punchbot<\font>\nAmperium Aerial Recon Drone<\font>\nBiped Cannonbot<\font>\nAmperium Mobile Artillery<\font>\nRobospider<\font>\nAmperium Spiderbot<\font>\nBladebot<\font>\nAmperium Robowraith<\font>
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Golden Chaos Chest acts like normal Chaos Chest without common and uncommon loot, making it giving collectables with 100% chance\nDoes not have Karma bar. \n\nRare - 90%\n Current Week's collectable - 65%\n Previous Weeks' collectables - 25%\nVery Rare - 10%\n Chaos Chest x50 - 2.6%\n Wings: Skeye Stalkers - 0.21%\n Wings: Chaos Butterfly - 0.21%\n Aura: Whispers of Chaos - 0.63%\n Mount: Koroki, the Sower of Chaos - 0.63%\n Ally: Contorting Contemplator - 0.63%\n Ally: Winking Tentabox - 0.63%\n Ally: Chaotic Mimic - 0.63%\n Ship: Chaotic Clipper - 0.63%\n Ship: Chaotic Cruiser - 0.63%\n Shadow Pinatas - 2.6%\n
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Greater Crystal Cache contains valuable Geodian crafting materials, can rarely give geodian tools such as Lodestars or Accelerite, or even more rarely - collectables or tradeable Space Expanders.\nDoes not have Karma bar. \n\nCommon - 86%\n Gleamstone x338-506 - 12.29%\n Builderite x253-380 - 12.29%\n Ancient Gears x169-253 - 12.29%\n Day Drop x43-63 - 12.29%\n Moonlit Moss x32-48 - 12.29%\n Wallflowers x22-32 - 12.29%\nUncommon - 13%\n Moonstone x52-78 - 1.7%\n Blazine x52-78 - 1.7%\n Geminite x52-78 - 1.7%\n Dream Dew x14-20 - 1.7%\n Sun Sap x14-20 - 1.7%\n Kave Kelp x14-20 - 1.7%\n Crystal x507-759 - 1.7%\n Accelerite x3 - 0.34%\n Lodestar x1 - 0.34%\n Luckier Reliquary x1 - 0.34%\nRare - 1%\n Metamatter x20-50 - 0.16%\n Space Expander (tradeable) x1 - 0.03%\n Accelerite x20 - 0.15%\n Lodestar x5 - 0.15%\n Silver Companion Egg x1 - 0.15%\n Tradeable Geode Mount x1 - 0.35%\n
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely from following spiders:\nBrown Spider\nCrystal Spider\nFae Spider\nRobospider\nShadeweaver\nPumpkin Patch Crawler\nAmperium Spiderbot
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from Bobble Pods and are compostable.
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely from World Bosses and opening Shadow Vaults in Delves.
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained uncommonly when fishing in water.
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Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be bought from Tier three Traveling Merchant fixtures for 12000 Adventurine per fragment.
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Contains tradeable collectables crafted at Resistor Workbench.\nEvery 70th opened box will contain rare loot with 100% chance.\n\nRare - 100%\n Any Tradeable ally, costume or mount (except dragons) that can be crafted at Resistor Workbench x1
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