
Searches for weebs on the internet and teaches them how to touch grass

2 years ago


Kami of Weeb Searching

2 years ago


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Bomber Bench or the Dragon Crucible in the Hub! These egg fragments can be crafted at the Bomber Bench (10 fragments cost 100 Blast Coins) or obtained through the Bomber Royale daily adventure in the hub (1 per day).

3 years ago


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis egg can be crafted at the Dragon Crucible for 10000 Flux and 100 Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely when mining Glacial Shards.

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis egg can be purchased from Weavers of Wonders in the Treasure Isles for 5000 Fragments of Wonder.

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis egg can be crafted at the Dragon Crucible for 10000 Flux and 100 Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese egg fragments can be purchased occasionally from Corruxion. 10 Fragments per visit, each costs 1 Chaos Core.

Bad date


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained rarely from following dinosaur creatures:\nArcheosaurus<\font>\nDiatryma<\font>\nQuetzalcoatlus<\font>\nTherizinosaurus<\font>\nTyrannosaurus Rex<\font>\nTriceratops<\font>\nDimetrodon<\font>\nSarcosuchus<\font>

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Blood Captain Draco

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Never gonna give you up

Bad date


Chaos Chest contains common crafting materials. Rarely can give collectables, with current week's collectable having higher chance.\nEvery 70th opened box will contain rare loot with 100% chance. \nCommon & Uncommon - 86% & 13%\n Flux x150-550/x164-5502\n Bleached Bones x7-13/x50\n Radiant Shard x35-65/x250\n Golden Seashell x11-20/x75\n Meteorite Fragment x1-3/x10\n Wild Cupcake x7-13/x60\n Sunlight Bulb x35-65/x250\n Blank Scroll x1-4/x15\n Sticky Ichor x11-20/x75\n Enchanted Wood x14-26/x100\n Robotic Salvage x7-13/x50\n Plasmium x110/x???\n Mushroom Chunk x18-33/x125\n Faerie Dust x7-13/x50\n Bottle x7-13/x50\n Shapestone Ore x70-130/x500\n Formicite Ore x35-65/x250\n Infinium Ore x11-20/x75\n Cinnabar x11-13/x???\n Golden Soul x1-2/x5\n Somber Soul x1-2/x5\n Diamond x4-7/x25\n Pearl of Wisdom x1\n Super Style Stash x5\n Chaos Core x1\n Chaos Chest x5\nRare - 0.09%\n Current Week's collectable - 0.65%\n Previous Weeks' collectables - 0.25%\nVery Rare - 0,01%\n Chaos Chest x50 - 0.03%\n Wings: Skeye Stalkers - 0.002%\n Wings: Chaos Butterfly - 0.002%\n Aura: Whispers of Chaos - 0.01%\n Mount: Koroki, the Sower of Chaos - 0.01%\n Ally: Contorting Contemplator - 0.01%\n Ally: Winking Tentabox - 0.01%\n Ally: Chaotic Mimic - 0.01%\n Ship: Chaotic Clipper - 0.01%\n Ship: Chaotic Cruiser - 0.01%\n Shadow Pinatas - 0.03%\n

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Never gonna let you down

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Never gonna run around and desert you

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Contains unique Neon City resources, Rampage bosses summoners & tradeable collectables crafted at Resistor Workbench.\nEvery 70th opened box will contain rare loot with 100% chance.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Memory Matrix x1\n Charged Circuit x1\n Logic Loop x1\nUncommon - 13%\n C455-Andra Beacon x1\n Tentakiller Beacon x1\n Trojan Beacon x1\n Memory Matrix x8\n Charged Circuit x8\n Logic Loop x8\nRare - 1%\n Any Tradeable ally, costume or mount (except dragons) that can be crafted at Resistor Workbench x1

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Never gonna make you cry

Bad date


Contains Amperium & Resistor Dragon Egg Fragments, Plasmium & Neon City unique resources. \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Amperium Dragon Egg Fragment x1\n Resistor Dragon Egg Fragment x1\n Plasmium x300-400\nUncommon - 13%\n Amperium Dragon Egg Fragment x5\n Resistor Dragon Egg Fragment x5\n Memory Matrix x1\n Charged Circuit x1\n Logic Loop x1\nRare - 1%\n Amperium Dragon Egg Fragment x25\n Resistor Dragon Egg Fragment x25\n

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Never gonna say goodbye

Bad date


Open it to free a new Butterfly ally! The result can be one of five common, one of two uncommon or the rare butterfly ally! \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Arctic Behe-Moth x1\n Brown Behe-Moth x1\n Cardinal Wildwing x1\n Fuchsia Flitterer x1\n Empyreal Emperor Butterfly x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Lucky Cloverwing x1\n Solar-Powered Satellizer x1\nRare - 1%\n Feisty Flamedancer x1

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