Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Bad date
Open it to free a new Cat ally! The result can be one of five common, one of two uncommon or the rare cat ally! \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Little Snow Lynx x1\n Bubby Bobcat x1\n Teensy Tiger x1\n Funny Fezzie x1\n Natty Noah x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Purr-ate Captain x1\n Skelly-Cat x1\nRare - 1%\n Prowling Shadow x1
Bad date
Bad date
Open it to free a new Buddy Bot ally! The result can be one of five common, one of two uncommon or the rare buddy bot ally! \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Petite Auto-Patroller x1\n Click-Happy Camerabot x1\n Cookie Bakerbot x1\n Patient Toast-Popper x1\n Ticking Timekeeper x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Memory Minder x1\n Personal Poundcake x1\nRare - 1%\n Shield Servitor x1
Bad date
Never gonna let you down
Bad date
Open it to free a new Qubesly ally! The result can be one of five common, one of two uncommon or the rare qubesly ally! \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Graduate Qubesly x1\n Chef Qubesly x1\n Patrolman Qubesly x1\n Fireman Qubesly x1\n Builder Qubesly x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Gunslinger Qubesly x1\n Neon Ninja Qubesly x1\nRare - 1%\n Chronomancer Qubesly x1
Bad date
Never gonna run around and desert you
Bad date
Open it to free a new Raptor ally! The result can be one of five common, one of two uncommon or the rare raptor ally! \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Dusky Raptor x1\n Rusty Raptor x1\n Blue Raptor x1\n Sunspot Sprinter x1\n Smoky Strider x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Tigerraptor Pup x1\n Fae Drakeling x1\nRare - 1%\n Rapt Berserker x1
Bad date
Never gonna make you cry
Bad date
Open it to obtain Radiant shards, Blank Scrolls or Radiant Crown! Has a chance of containing the rare Radiant Steed mount. \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Radiant Shard x100\nUncommon - 13%\n Blank Scroll x5\n style:Radiant Corona x1\nRare - 1%\n Mount: Radiant Steed x1
Bad date
Never gonna say goodbye
Bad date
Open it to obtain 2 head styles, Shadow's Eve Recipes and Adventure Chest. Has a chance of containing 2 rare halloween-themed collectables. \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Shadow's Eve Recipe x1\n Shadow's Eve Adventure Chest x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Shadow's Eve Adventure Box x5\n Style:Zombie Mask x1\n Style:Pumpkin head x1\nRare - 1%\n Ally:Samantha x1\n Mount: Sameowntha x1
Bad date
Bad date
Contains a plethora of prizes, including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter. \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Empowered Gem Box x1\n Bound Brilliance x1\n Gem Booster Box x3\n Chaos Chest x8\n Dragon Coin x15\nUncommon - 13%\n Binding Darkness x1\n Metamatter x1\n Sentience Shard x1\n Bound Brilliance x5\n Diamond Dragonite x5\nRare - 1%\n Despoiled Divinity x1\n Ninth Life x2\n Sentience Shard x5\n Metamatter x5\n Diamond Dragonite x25\n
Bad date
Never gonna give you up
Bad date
Contains a plethora of prizes, including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter. \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Empowered Gem Box x1\n Bound Brilliance x1\n Gem Booster Box x3\n Chaos Chest x8\n Dragon Coin x15\nUncommon - 13%\n Binding Darkness x1\n Metamatter x1\n Sentience Shard x1\n Bound Brilliance x5\n Diamond Dragonite x5\nRare - 1%\n Despoiled Divinity x1\n Ninth Life x2\n Sentience Shard x5\n Metamatter x5\n Diamond Dragonite x25\n
Bad date
Open it to obtain 2 head styles, Shadow's Eve Recipes and Adventure Chest. Has a chance of containing 2 rare halloween-themed mounts. \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Shadow's Eve Recipe x1\n Shadow's Eve Adventure Chest x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Shadow's Eve Adventure Box x5\n Style:Zombie Mask x1\n Style:Pumpkin head x1\nRare - 1%\n Mount: Bouncy Black Bat x1\n Mount: Hyperactive Haunt x1
Bad date
Open it to obtain 2 head styles, Shadow's Eve Recipes and Adventure Chest. Has a chance of containing 2 rare halloween-themed mounts. \nDoes not have Karma bar.\n\nCommon - 86%\n Shadow's Eve Recipe x1\n Shadow's Eve Adventure Chest x1\nUncommon - 13%\n Shadow's Eve Adventure Box x5\n Style:Zombie Mask x1\n Style:Pumpkin head x1\nRare - 1%\n Mount: Uncanny Coffin x1\n Mount: Colossal Chiropteran x1
Bad date
Open it to obtain Shadow treasures!Has a chance of containing the rare material Heart of Darkness.\nEvery 70th opened box will give rare loot with 100% chance\n\nCommon - 86%\n Tentacle of Q'bthulhu x1\n Eye of Q'bthulhu x3-12\nUncommon - 13%\n Heart of Darkness x1-2\n Tentacle of Q'bthulhu x3\n Eye of Q'bthulhu\nRare - 0.9%\n Voidwatcher Dragon Egg Fragment x1\n Wings: Wings of Darkest Night x1\n Heart of Darkness x3-10\nVery Rare - 0.01%\nDormant Infineon Dragon Egg x1
Bad date
Greater Crystal Cache contains valuable Geodian crafting materials, can rarely give geodian tools such as Lodestars or Accelerite.\nDoes not have Karma bar. \n\nCommon - 86%\n Gleamstone x338-506 - 12.29%\n Builderite x253-380 - 12.29%\n Ancient Gears x169-253 - 12.29%\n Day Drop x43-63 - 12.29%\n Moonlit Moss x32-48 - 12.29%\n Wallflowers x22-32 - 12.29%\nUncommon - 13%\n Moonstone x52-78 - 1.7%\n Blazine x52-78 - 1.7%\n Geminite x52-78 - 1.7%\n Dream Dew x14-20 - 1.7%\n Sun Sap x14-20 - 1.7%\n Kave Kelp x14-20 - 1.7%\n Crystal x507-759 - 1.7%\n Accelerite x3 - 0.34%\n Lodestar x1 - 0.34%\n Luckier Reliquary x1 - 0.34%\nRare - 1%\n Metamatter x3-10\n Accelerite x3\n Lodestar x3\n
Bad date