Voidcoil Raygun
Showing pages that match the terms equipment_weapon_pistol_481, Voidcoil Raygun.
Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a gorgeous dragon who returns to the Hub twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You’ll find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible starting on May 17. Luxion will vanish at 4AM PDT (11AM GMT) on May 20, so don’t...
May 14, 2018 Blog
Solve the mystery of what the Shadows are up to! Be warned, this article contains spoilers. Tuesday, August 8, 2017 to Monday, August 21, 2017 on PC's and Consoles....
August 8, 2017 Event
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Depth Charge patch....
April 11, 2017 Database Update