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Fluxion - Hotfix 2 (August 8, 2023)

Temporarily disabled some effects in delves that we suspect might be responsible for terrain failing to load for some players. Fixed an issue that caused Furrious Fiona’s momento to appear twice in collections. The minimum Light requirements to ...

August 15, 2023 Patch

🍀 The Green Cloverleaf Quest 🍀

Hey adventurers! Bet your quest was a long and arduous one, wasn’t it?We hope you were able to find all the marked letters across our social media channels, because we have our amazing winners already ready to receive their amazing pot of gold! ...

March 30, 2023 Blog

PC - Crack the Court - March 23rd, 2021

Dear Trovians, The developers of Trove have prepared many small adjustments and even some new features for the end of the month! Discover a new biome in the delves. The Crack the Court biome awaits you with new mounts, new allies, new banner...

March 23, 2021 Patch

Luxion is here to celebrate Thanksgiving with you!

Luxion, our golden dragon, has come to celebrate Thanksgiving with you!But he did not come empty-handed! He brings us plenty of Thanksgiving-looking mounts as well as Empowered Gem Boxes for the gem fans!Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s...

November 27, 2020 Blog Luxion

Let’s Celebrate 20 Years of gamigo!

gamigo is turning 20 years old! 20 years of memories, ups and downs, friendships, soulmates, enemies and kinship. We would like to share our happiness with you all in the form of events, challenges, social media and forum activities, and much more! T...

October 1, 2020 Blog

Pirates Versus Ninjas Face-off Until Sept. 22

The final sun down of summer is approaching with an epic showdown to close out the season! Avast ye Trovians! The Pirate Captains are claiming they are the best treasure plunderers, but the sneaky stealing Neon Ninjas have something to say about i...

September 7, 2020 Blog Pirates vs Ninjas

Trovesaurus Development Updates - May 2020

We continue our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of May 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, ...

August 7, 2020 Site

Database Update Review - Delves PC Hotfix 11

This is a spoiler-heavy review of the client changes in the latest database update. Please be warned. Anything not yet released is also subject to change from the Trove Team. Information taken from https://trovesaurus.com/database/update/289...

August 3, 2020 Database Update

Delves - PC Hotfix - May 6, 2020

We have a PC hotfix today for Delves. Patch Notes:Fixed an issue that could cause the creation of empty delves. Fixed an issue that could prevent anything from spawning after a delve boss has been defeated. Re-enabled the Daily Deals, which sh...

May 7, 2020 Patch

Trovesaurus Development Updates - September 2019

Stay informed about the latest Trovesaurus site changes with our change log for this month below....

October 1, 2019 Site

Bomber Royale Season Two and Going Green Update arrives on Consoles June 25, 2019

Consoles will be almost in sync with PC with the update tomorrow which brings Bomber Royale Season Two and Going Green. Patch notes are shown below as well as additional links: Console Patch Notes Maintenance Thread For more information please see...

June 24, 2019 Consoles

Trove - Going Green and Bomber Royale Season 2!

Gardening Gardening now goes to 300 (Horticulturist)! The Gardening bench has been renamed to the Antiquated Gardening Bench. A new Gardening Bench can now be crafted at the builders crafting bench. The requirements for the original gardening rec...

June 24, 2019 Patch

Going Green Patch Notes

The Going Green update brings large changes to the Gardening profession. With an increase up to 300 skill plants can be harvested to provide bonuses....

May 25, 2019 Patch

PTS Patch Notes - Going Green Patch - May 9, 2019

The PTS is online with the following notes adjusting Gardening....

May 9, 2019 Patch PTS

Dungeoneering 101 Chapter 7: METAFORGE: Traps, portals and decorations

Now that you have a working dungeon, it is time to populate it with monsters and place some traps and decorations. In this chapter we will cover default items in Metaforge inventory together with other items you will be using....

March 7, 2019

Dungeoneering 101 Chapter 6: METAFORGE: Testing your dungeon

So, you've made your dungeon pieces, the .dungeon file and you've added plugs and sockets to your pieces. And this point you must be eager to fill your dungeons with traps and decorations but we advise you to make the following checks before you decorate....

March 7, 2019 Dungeon Creation

Dungeoneering 101 Chapter 5: Creating the .dungeon file

The .dungeon file is the property\settings file of your dungeon. This chapter in the dungeoneering 101 will focus on creating the .dungeon file in a readable format....

March 5, 2019 Dungeon Creation

Dungeoneering 101 Chapter 4: Plugs & Sockets

Welcome to the 4th chapter on dungeon making. If you've followed this guide from the start, you should have the basic blueprints ready. This chapter will focus on plugs and sockets. Those link your blueprints together....

March 5, 2019

Trovesaurus Development Updates - January

Here is a roundup of the changes made to Trovesaurus during the month of January....

February 2, 2019 Site

Trovesaurus Development Updates - December

Here is a roundup of the changes made to Trovesaurus during the month of December....

January 5, 2019 Site

Trove - Geode: PTS Deco Database Update

We've updated the PTS database for the Trove - Geode update....

June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Deco

PTS Strings - Geode

We've generated a list of String changes from the current live client to Geode on PTS....

May 18, 2018 PTS Geode Strings

PTS Blueprints - Geode

The following is a list of new blueprints detected on the PTS client vs the current Live (Heroes) client....

May 18, 2018 Geode PTS Blueprints

Heroes: Database Update - Strings

We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Trove - Heroes update and detected the following new client strings....

March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Strings