Dungeoneering 101 Chapter 7: METAFORGE: Traps, portals and decorations

Now that you have a working dungeon, it is time to populate it with monsters and place some traps and decorations. In this chapter we will cover default items in Metaforge inventory together with other items you will be using.
IntroTop ^
Each Dungeon must have few monster spawns, boss spawn and exit portal. We covered that in details in previous chapters. Aside from that, its good to add some traps and decorations. Keep in mind that there are limits on how many active traps should be placed.
To place those in your dungeon you need to log in /metaforge and load your blueprints in.
Decorations and traps add greately to Voxel count, there is no need to fill everything with them. Few lights and few decorations to spice the place up are usually enough.
There are few default items that are always in your Building inventory, but you can use /wadd command to add many more others.
/floodfill command is used to paint-bucket an area of connected voxels of same color with an item\block you have selected on your hotbar in Building Mode. Liquids can be used to floodfill, but be carefull, that action can not be undone and neither can liquids be floodfilled with something else.
/replaceblock does same as floodill, but only for one block
Dont forget to /save your edits.
Ctrl+Z is an Undo function.
Use F9 to switch to fly mode, F10 for free camera mode.
Default ItemsTop ^
Once you enter Metaforge, in your building inventory you have pre-placed default items. If you accidentally delete those, re-enter metaforge and they will be restored.
GM NPC - placed to spawn a monster. Lairs spawn 5 out of all placed, Dungeons 25.
GM NPC Trigger 1-4 - functionality currenly disabled
Barricade 0 - barricade blocks used in Shadow Dungeons, must be located in same blueprint with miniboss quest, they are removed once quest is completed
Barricade 1-4 - functionality currenly disabled
GM Quest - placed in 1-star Dungeon to spawn a boss or cursed skulls or in Dungeons for miniboss spawns. Spawns both mini boss and big boss objectives if placed in 5-star dungeons
GM Boss Quest - placed in 3-star Dungeons and Radiant lairs, only one per. Spawns major Boss
[prefab=GM Master Quest] - placed in 5-star Dungeons, only one per. Spawns Dark Heart that starts the timer
Minigame Teleporter - Purple vfx portal in game, connects to other portals of same type within a dungeon
GM Quest Teleporter - Yellow and Blue vfx portal in game, should be placed in end Boss room, spawns upon quest completion, connected to other portals of same type and to GM Quest Teleporter Outside
GM Quest Teleporter Outside - Yellow and Black vfx portal in game, should be placed on the outside of dungeon or at its entrance, spawns upon quest completion, connected to other portals of same type and to GM Quest Teleporter
Line Turret Red \ Blue - active trap, shoots fireball in a straight line. Same colored turrets shoot at the same time.
Flame Turret Red \ Blue \ Yellow - active trap, shoots as flamethrower. Same colored turrets shoot at the same time.
Aimed Turret Red \ Blue - active trap, shoots homing fireballs. Same colored turrets shoot at the same time.
Falling Trap - active trap, falls down on players within 12 voxels under it.
Spikes - trap, damages players if they walk on them.
Vanishing - dissapear after some time once player walks on them.
Horizontal Launchpad - jumppad, launched player in a direction of arrow on it. More launchpads placed next to eachother give greater boost if player steps on more than one at a time.
Vertical Launchpad - jumppad, launched player up. More launchpads placed next to eachother give greater boost if player steps on more than one at a time.
Water - liquid, half a block. Only used for 1-voxel deep liquid bodies.
Lava - liquid, half a block. Only used for 1-voxel deep liquid bodies.
Placeholder - fake air block, invisible upon dungeon generation. Used for fake air block roofs above dungeons to prevent terrain from covering them.
Various Plugs and Sockets - used to connect rooms in dungeons and to plug in dungeon into world socket. WARNING do no use Red Socket - GM PLUG 0, those are placed in world by game itself.
GM Large Blocker - 19x19 blocker, used for advanced dungeon generation.
GM Small Blocker - 5x5 blocker, used for advanced dungeon generation.
GM Dark Heart Spawn - used to spawn Radiant Shards in Radiant Lairs.
GM Quest Player Spawn - used in minigame maps.
Useful ItemsTop ^
To make use of these you would need to use a /wadd command in Metaforge
Mimic blocks are lifesavers. You can use them in Metaforge to copy custom block colors. Does not work on glowing and glass blocks.
/wadd placeable/block/transmute/mimic.binfab
Acid - liquid, half a block. Only used for 1-voxel deep liquid bodies.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/acid.binfab
Chocolate - liquid, half a block. Only used for 1-voxel deep liquid bodies.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/chocolate.binfab
Plasma - liquid, half a block. Only used for 1-voxel deep liquid bodies.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/plasma.binfab
Deep Water - liquid, full block. Used under half a block of water for more than 1-voxel deep liquid bodies. There are no full liquid blocks for other liquids.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/deepwater.binfab
Important note about liquids, the will not flow in metaforge and they might not flow upon dungeon generation if there is no empty voxel below it. Also there is no need to make 'pillars' of liquid source blocks, that will cause continious overflow and extra stress on server.
Air drafts and Anti-Gravity blocks
Updraft - used mostly in Radiant lairs to direct flight Up.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/air_current_source_up.binfab
Downdraft - used mostly in Radiant lairs to direct flight Down.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/air_current_source_down.binfab
Side Draft - used mostly in Radiant lairs to direct flight to the side.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/air_current_source_horizontal.binfab
Anti-Gravity Up- rarely used. Directs movement Up.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/anti_gravity_up.binfab
Anti-Gravity Down - rarely used. Directs movement Down.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/anti_gravity_down.binfab
Anti-Gravity Horizontal - rarely used. Directs movement Horizontally.
/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/anti_gravity_horizontal.binfab
Decorations and Natural blocksTop ^
You can also /wadd all possible blocks and decorations. To find a command you need, go to https://trovesaurus.com/deco page, pick a decoration piece and copy its Path from the top of the page, for example placeable/deco/sign_donotfeed
Then, type /wadd in metaforge and paste it in: /wadd placeable/deco/sign_donotfeed
. That will add said decoration to your inventory.
To find Natural blocks, go to Mod Info tab on Biome pages. Each biome has ground blocks and plants listed. https://trovesaurus.com/biome=15/candoria/modinfo
<- Chapter 6 | Intro and Table of Contents | Chapter 8 ->
Page Log
- 2019-03-07: Publshed
- 2023-02-08: Added GM Master Quest to the list