Returning Players

Game Changes for Returning Players: We've put together a timeline of major game changes for returning players to help people get re-orientated with the game. It's also nice to highlight the pace of development and just how far the game has come in a short time.

If you think something is missing and it should be here, let us know.


April 2023? (Fees and Felines)

February 2023 (Gunslinger Noscope)



November 2022 (Reeling in the Stars)

October 2022 (Boomeranger Blowup)

June 2022 (Sunrise)

May 2022 (Bomber Royale Season 3)

February 2022 (Shadowy Spotlight)


November 2021 (Polished Paragon)

October 2021 (Lunar Leap)

August 2021 (Depth Stepper)

June 2021 (Tune Up)

April 2021 (Chloromancer Regrowth)

March 2021 (Crack the Court)


December 2020 (Deep Dragons)

Extra additions to the delves grinding. New fragment based dragons, carpet mounts and a tonne of stylish boss themed banner styles.
Gateways have been added to allow you a more free approach to fight specific enemies for things you may be searching for, drops, styles, mementos.

September 2020 (Hubdate)

Hubdate Update Page

A fresh makeover for the general hub of Trove, each section catering to specific needs of the player. Signposts are located on each section to guide if you get lost at all.
The golden thread questline and tutorial get a brief revamp to assist new players who can progress much faster than previous years now and expertise quest NPC's will appear once enough progression is made.

May 2020 (Delves)

Delves Update Page

Jump, dive, and jetpack your way through semi endless procedurally generated cave systems. Reap the rewards at the end as you progress deeper through the depths. The higher the depth number, the more difficult to defeat the enemies become until you can no longer damage them through normal means.



November 2019 (Into the Deep)

Into the Deep Update Page

Face off against 3 worldbosses on the Geodian Topside, the Leviathans. Each give a torch for the banner slot which increases your light stat and further benefit your stats.
Assist NPC's with some simple tasks at biome outposts for a chunk of exp and a chance at a locked adventurine box holding many costumes and allies.

May 2019 (Going Green)

Going Green Update Page

Revisit and update your gardening profession. Grow new food items and gain a small extra buff by having them equipped.
Compost existing and new resources to get the necessary starting items. New gardening timeframe mechanics for watering and harvesting


December 2018 (Crystal Combat)

August 2018

June 2018

March 2018


November 2017

August 2017

June/July 2017

April 2017

March 2017

February 2017

January 2017


December 2016

November 2016

October 2016

September 2016

August 2016

July 2016

June 2016

May 2016

April 2016

March 2016

February 2016

January 2016


December 2015

November 2015

October 2015

September 2015

August 2015

July 2015

June 2015

May 2015

April 2015

March 2015

February 2015

January 2015


December 2014

November 2014

October 2014

September 2014

August 2014

July 2014

June 2014

May 2014

April 2014

March 2014

February 2014

January 2014

Comments and Likes Comments 7

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liked this!


hi my club has been stolen I worked so hard and now I'm not the owner pls help ive been demoted


Clubs without an active owner have it transferred by the Trove team. You will need to contact the current owners, or Trove support for anything else.

Can you update it for geode?

Just updated to add Geode and Improvements update.

[Deleted User]

This comment by love7 has been removed by love7

Nice guide.

It was very helpful to use this so I knew what was diffrent since I last played...

There's been heaps of events...

You might want to put some more empasis on the mantle of power as this changed the game a heap...

Great Job!

liked this!


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liked this!


What about the Dino Tamer