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A cornerstone of the Trovian diet harvested in time for Turkeytopia.

Imported in Patch: Crystal Combat 제작자: Trove Team

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Na podstawie Commands page from the Trove Wiki....

August 8, 2017 Basics PL

Invader/Giant Farm

Ever wanted to make a Giant farm but not know how? Well here I'm going to talk about some examples I made in my club world (Swords of Eternity). For more deatils about the Pros And Cons head over to Swords of Eternity and ch...

February 13, 2017 Build Farm Giant How To Invader

Getting Started!

Following this guide, you will make it through the starting part of the game easily! This guide contains detail on classes, builds, mastery and more!...

January 12, 2017 Console Contest

The Flux Guide ( With steed feed XD )

( Need 10 mastery level ) Flux the most useful item in trove, is easily the most sought after. if you are just starting off 1k flux may be a years worth. You can easily make that 1k in less than 30 minutes. 2 things steed feed and Market. ...

January 2, 2017 Console Contest

Modding 101 Chapter 7b: Sharing your .tmod on Steam Workshop

Sharing you created mods on Steam Workshop. This guide will tell you what can do to upload your mod on steam. Sharing on mods on Trovesaurus will remain unchanged, until Etaew decides otherwise! You can include links to your workshop item on the Trovesau...

October 15, 2016 modding

Modding 101 Chapter 6: Creation of a .tmod

The new mod launcher and mod build  tool have been released on the 11th of October.The new mod format will function alongside the new in-game mod manager -> Mods.  This guide covers the creation of the new .tmod format and how you can v...

October 5, 2016 .tmod modding yaml

Updated Command List

Based on the command list from Trove Wiki; Updated by me, All commands go in the chat box obviously. This guide uses the keybinds found in the PC and MAC versions only. [ESC -> Settings]...

September 5, 2016 Basics PS4 Xbox One

Store Items Sorted by Mastery/Price Value

Wondering how much mastery a pack will give you? Here's the information on that and more! The guide has been updated with current store inventory as of 07/26....

August 2, 2016 Bundles Store


Leaderboards, introduced in the March 8 2016 Leader of the Block patch, added a new way to compete with your fellow Trovians. This guide will teach you what leaderboards are, how to access them, and what Leaderboard contests are all about--along with a fe...

August 1, 2016 leaderboards