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Colour Code: #000005
Type: 93
Style: 0

Walk or ride over this block for a pyrotechnic display. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.

Imported in Patch: Join the Party Part 2! Conçu par : Trove Team

Database Links

Community Links


Patch - Mantle of Power Head Start Edition - 4/19/2016

Avarem's Notes: Welcome to the Mantle of Power. Trove's first expansion! This is the biggest single update we've ever made to Trove and we are immensely excited to be able to share our hard work with you guys. In Mantle ...

April 18, 2016 Patch

Trovesaurus Tasks Giveaway

This week we are asking you guys to create and vote on Trovesaurus Tasks for a chance to win Lunacy Packs, Fire and Ice fox mounts and Wings of Lunacy....

September 24, 2015 Giveaway

Shadow Tower and Lunar Lancer - Creation Competition

This week Trovesaurus is challenging you to create content based on the recent Rise of the Shadow Tower Update. We are looking for guides or fan art of the Lunar Lancer or Shadow Towers or specific Shadow Titans....

September 15, 2015 Giveaway

Rise of the Shadow Tower Update - Database Update

We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Rise of the Shadow Tower Update....

September 15, 2015 Database Update

Trove Creations Digest - Issue #25

Welcome to the twenty-fifth issue of Trove Creations Digest, a handy source for satisfying your interests in all things /r/TroveCreations.  In this issue: Newsweek Review - Upcoming Guidelines for Modding weekly stream r...

September 14, 2015 Trove Creations Digest

Trove Livestream Summary – September 11th – Shadow Titans, Bald Trovians, & More!

The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, talking about the upcoming Shadow Tower update! Forum thread here!...

September 11, 2015

Ancient Dragon Ascension - Patch Notes

Adding a new dragon, first challenge of the day now awards one dragon soul. The servers will come down at 7 AM PDT / 2 PM GMT and should be down for approximately 3 hours. Source:

September 1, 2015 Patch

Frosted Mini Update - Database Update

We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Frosted Mini Update....

August 18, 2015 Database Update

Shadow Titan Winner Chosen

The community has voted for their favourite shadow titan suggestion from player suggestions. The winner is the Shade Hydrakken suggestion from FriedSushi. Source:

August 12, 2015