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Imported in Patch: Join the Party Part 2! デザイン者: Trove Team

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Fishing in Trove: A Comprehensive Guide (updated with Plasma fishing)

Let's be honest here, fishing is like the most boring thing you can do at Trove. Who wants to watch their character stand around and wait for a catch? But it can also be rewarding after obtaining stuff you can get from it....

July 11, 2016 Basics

Gunslinger - Not A Straightshot (PvE)

The Gunslinger is often an overlooked class when considering damage output and overall ability in PvE, most probably due to an unclear meta and relatively poor stat scaling. However, there are solutions that can be easily used when playing as the Gunsli...

July 11, 2016

Multiboxing Trove (How to run multiple clients at once)

This guide will teach you how to multibox trove and my personal methods of running multiple clients efficiently. These are my personal methods and any tips or tricks you may have are always appreciated :D This is not a guide to teach you how to gear t...

July 11, 2016

Packs (Bundles)

Packs or Bundles are offered on the Trove Store to group several items together. They are sometimes time limited, and have been categorized as Founder's Packs, Starter Packs, Class Packs, Costume Packs, and Feature Packs....

July 11, 2016

Radiant Gear forging from scratch

This will teach you how to forge Radiant Gear. I understand it is over down, but newer players who wants good gear doesn't know how to get it. So I will help them with getting so....

July 11, 2016

Trove CTF 101

Last Updated: 11-23-2015 (New Classes Added: Neon Ninja, Lunar Lancer, Ice Sage) Guide Created: 11-27-2015 This guide will detail on the general aspect of Capture the Flag in Trove and later will delve into the nitty-gritty of this gamemode. Also i...

July 11, 2016

Lunar Lancer Guide: The only one you will ever need!

Lunar Lancer is a unique, DPS class that has a versatile kit to play around with. He is relatively squishy and lacks good stats. I will only teach you how to play him efficiently and how to maximize his damage output. Feel free to take my advice in a...

September 17, 2015 Lunar Lancer

The Lunar Lancer

Guardians of the Twilight Stratospheres, Lancers accumulate lunar power as they fight, eventually erupting into full Lunatic Mode. They can also call down a blessing from their missing deity, and use Grappling Spear for damage and mobility....

September 16, 2015 Lunar Lancer

A look into the Dragonfire peaks.

Flames and lava purge the weakness from any who dare venture into these now desolate lands. Hints lie behind a time when it wasn’t so chaotic but now lava leaks from every crevice and angle. Events have transpired, sunderings have occured, and betra...

August 28, 2015 Lore Dragonfire Peaks