Usages Download



Colour Code: #000005
Type: 93
Style: 0

Walk or ride over this block for a pyrotechnic display. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.

Imported in Patch: Join the Party Part 2! Designed by: Trove Team

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Ringcrafting guide

Today I am going to tell you about the runecrafting. Making ring could not only be good just for powering up your char but also earning some mastery points(250)....

January 11, 2017 Console Contest

G.R.Y.P.H. 3000. Snowfestivus second phase mount.

 What is G.R.Y.P.H 3000? Well to put it simply it's a mount that you can craft during the second phase of the Winter event 2016-2017. The mount is made by: TheMafian You will need some Robotic Salvage, so before we go deeper, equip your Cyber...

January 5, 2017 Console Contest Snowfest

Updated Command List

Based on the command list from Trove Wiki; Updated by me, All commands go in the chat box obviously. This guide uses the keybinds found in the PC and MAC versions only. [ESC -> Settings]...

September 5, 2016 Basics PS4 Xbox One

A simple little Guide about market flipping.

Hello fellow Flux-Hunters, This is my little Guide on market flipping and manipulation....

August 2, 2016 Flux Market


A quick glance on badges and how to get them....

August 2, 2016 Badges Collection

Store Items Sorted by Mastery/Price Value

Wondering how much mastery a pack will give you? Here's the information on that and more! The guide has been updated with current store inventory as of 07/26....

August 2, 2016 Bundles Store

How To Unlock Every Single Dragon.

This simple guide will teach you how to unlock all the current dragons in Trove. Welcome to my guide on how to unlock every dragon in Trove. They may be hard to obtain but sure worth it for the mastery. Anyways lets get started....

July 24, 2016 Basics Dragon

Returning Players

Game Changes for Returning Players: We've put together a timeline of major game changes for returning players to help people get re-orientated with the game. It's also nice to highlight the pace of development and just how far the game has come in a sho...

July 11, 2016

A Dracolyte's guide to flaming shadow towers and bombing Uber-6

The Dracolyte can be played one of three main ways; either as a pure damage dealer, tank, or somewhere in between.While most will play inbetween (perhaps not knowing, and thinking they're playing as a tank) there are other ways.  ...

July 11, 2016