Multiboxing Trove (How to run multiple clients at once)

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This guide will teach you how to multibox trove and my personal methods of running multiple clients efficiently. These are my personal methods and any tips or tricks you may have are always appreciated :D This is not a guide to teach you how to gear the alts and all that, just how to effectively run the clients all at once.
Let's start off with the basics;
What is multiboxing?
Multiboxing means running more than one client of a game at once. This means you can be logged into 2,3,4,5,6 ect accounts at once.
Why multibox?
By running multiple clients at once you can save yourself time gathering drops and harvestable items such as ore and sunlight bulbs. In the time it takes you to farm say, 1000 primordial flames by yourself, with 7 other accounts running with you you can easily gather 8k flames.
With a little effort you can even gear up and use these multiple accounts to farm Shaper's Vision boxes for a little (or a lot, depending on how many accounts you use) of easy flux weekly.
Yes it's allowed by the devs and as long as you follow the very simple rules you will not get in trouble. Some people look down on alt farming but it's up to you to decide if you want to take effort to multibox :P
What limitations are there?
Not very many. The main limitation will be your own PC. Running multiple clients can be a hassle on your PC, you might only be able to run 1-2 alts at once + your main. You may be able to run 20. It's all down to how good your PC is. It will be trial and error until you figure out how many clients you can run at once while your main client still has good FPS.
Also, loot is capped at 8 people in one area. This means if you're farming say, sunlight bulbs, with 7 other accounts + your main and someone else comes by, you're losing out on bulbs because they're in that area. I always run off in one direction far away from the hoard of people to avoid this issue.
You CAN:
- Farm ores and harvestable items (glim, bones, sunlight bulbs ect)
- Farm Shadow Towers
- Farm ubers for drops & gear. (The alts will need gear for this)
- Throw your own pinata party for that sweet loot. Kappa.
- Farm battle boxes on the alts for your main account.
- Use third party programs to control these alts.
That's about it as far as i know. Trove has simple rules when it comes to multiboxing :P
Alright you got me, how do i start?
First of all you need to make new accounts. To do this go to https://www.trovegame.com/landing/ and follow the steps to create new accounts.Yes this means you will need to create new emails for each account. I personally use gmail for mine :P
As said in the warning above, don't make more than 5 accounts in one go. Trion will auto ban the accounts and while this is easily fixed via contacting support, it's still a hassle. I don't really know the time limit before it doesn't flag you but ive always waited 3-4 weeks before creating new accounts if i needed more alts. If you do find yourself with a ban just email support@trovegame.com and they will fix it for you :3
Also keep in mind you'll need to get each alt to mastery 10 to be able to trade whatever loot you collect on it over to your main. There are many guides on how to get easy and quick mastery all over youtube and even this website so i won't go into that.
I have the accounts made, now what?
Alright now that you've made your accounts you'll need to actually log into them. Doing this with trove is incredibly easy. All you do is launch the glyph client and log into either one of the alts, or your main.
From here we will be setting the video settings for this and all the other alt clients. Running 8 clients at once with max settings is more than likely going to make your PC riot, so i heavily reccomend setting your video settings to low or the lowest you can with trove.
These are the settings i use when im multiboxing, except of course on my main client :P
Make sure you like the settings you have and log out of the client. This will save the video settings for the next clients you log in with. I always log into my main account last and set my settings back to high or ultra as my PC can handle it. Yours might not, it's a matter of testing :)
Now, if you have multiple monitors making your window mode to windowed and putting all the alts on your other monitor is something i also recommend. I always make my windows small and put them side by side on my second monitor. For example;
You can fiddle around with this, window size and how they're placed is all up to you.
My video settings are done, how do i log into multiple accounts?!
Always keep your glyph client up, you'll be needing it to log into your other accounts :)
Log into your first alt and click "Play"
Next click "Logout" on the top right of glyph.
Click "Login" and enter the info for your second alt.
Launch that client and rinse and repeat for all the other accounts.
I always position the alt clients while theyre loading up and then move on to logging into the next alt. It's that simple :D
Inviting each alt
This is where trove has made it even easier to invite each alt to your location.
Simply open your friends list and voila~
Click "Invite" for each alt and then mouse over to the alt account and hit "Accept"
Careful that you dont end up inviting a friend by mistake xD
I always add the alts on one "main alt" and then invite that single alt via my main account, then invite all the other alts via the "main alt" so i don't have that issue :P
Tips & Other information
These are my personal tricks i use to quickly farm with my alts.
As soon as you can, find a rally blade and disable TPing on each alt. This is how you avoid randos invading your farming area :P
I read somewhere that going into the Task Manager of your PC and changing some settings within for each client helps it run smoother. I've never noticed a difference when running one client, but i really do notice it when running 8+ at once. Do this at your own risk. I've been doing it for months with no issue but it's up to you :)
Open up Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc)
Go to Proccesses
Right click one of the trove clients and click "Set Affinity."
Uncheck "CPU 0" and hit OK.
Do this for all the clients you're running.
Keep in mind also that loot is capped at 8 people in one area.
For this reason i only ever farm with a max of 6-7 other alt accounts. If you notice other people coming towards you, either kindly ask that they leave (they probably won't :P) or just go off in one direction and away from them. Don't get greedy with an area, everyone is free to farm in whatever area they want ^-^
We've reached the end!
That's about it for my guide :o
Multiboxing when it comes to trove is quite simple and easy, it just takes a little more "effort" than soloing. I personally use my alts to farm ore, radiant shards and shadow towers for easy flux. Gearing up each alt takes a bit of time, and as i said before you do also need to be mastery 10 on each alt to trade the loot over. This is easy to do and takes about 30 mins to an hour max. That's where the effort of it comes into play :P
If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask below or PM me. You can also try to catch me in game, my IGN is Mikabella ^-^

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Thanks for reminding me how to set this up. It's been forever since I've played this and didn't realize (or just forgot) that multiboxing was even permitted until I decided to check and found this guide. thanks for making it!
edit: by the way, for those that can afford it, I recommend a subscription to Lavish Software's premium gaming tools such as InnerSpace and in particular their multiboxing assist ISBoxer. I don't use it to help me control the game (although it does have functionality for that. I'll pass on getting banned kthx), but rather just use it to manage my window layout and make booting up an easy, just-a-few-clicks process. I used to use it all the time before I quit shortly after the mantle of power update. Only 50 bucks for a year and they'll give new users a seven-day trial :-)
It doesn't have to be specifically stated in the EULA, and I would frankly be surprised to see it. EULAs are usually written to protect company, not the players, and that goes especially so for free-to-play. Although I'd gladly be wrong (i.e. I'd be glad if it's actually stated in the agreement after all), so long as it's not specifically forbidden by the EULA, it's fair game