Colour Code: #000005
Type: 93
Style: 0
Walk or ride over this block for a pyrotechnic display. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.
Imported in Patch: Join the Party Part 2! Designed by: Trove Team
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Hello, and today I'm gonna show how you can get radiant gear by forging. This is going to be very, VERY expensive so make sure you have a lot of flux, eyes (not the ones on your head :P), 9 Pearls, Two Twice Forged Shadow Souls, Two Thrice Forged Shadow S...
August 4, 2015 Gear
This is a guide to obtain all rare fishes in Trove. (Update[8/8/15]: Added color coding for liquids and added another possible location to catch soaring flamefish.) (Update[12/8/15]: Fish trophies were added in game. )...
August 4, 2015 Basics
Written by TeeKayM. The Neon Ninja is a class that is not very often used in higher Ubers for the simple fact that a lot of people find it confusing to use. I'm here to give you a few tips on what stats to use and what allies to use to make life easie...
August 1, 2015 Neon Ninja
Gardening is a profession that allows you to grow decorative plants, create sponges to gather water for club worlds as well as allow you to grow steed feed to create mounts. Beyond this, it allows you to increase your Mastery by a very relevant amount whi...
May 27, 2015 Gardening
The Fish n’ Ships update brought Trovians a plethora of new gameplay mechanics. Among them, boats, sails, the Pirate Captain, the Treasure Isles biome, and Fishing. Learn the basics with Trovesaurus’ guide. ...
April 3, 2015
A guide for crafting the [Neon Nightsky] wings. Take back the night and take over the skies with 1s and 0s! Source: http://www.shapestonejournal.net/neon-nightsky-wings-crafting-guide/ Guide edited by [Etaew] February 2021....
March 11, 2015