


Imported in Patch: January 23, 2025 Tervezte: Trove Team

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Heckbugs in Love - Art Challenge Results

Thank you for taking part in our Heckbugs in Love art challenge, I've loved seeing what you folks have come up with. This time we had an entire pack as a premium reward, and the Trove Team reviewed the submissions providing additional rewards. Updated Ma...

February 26, 2020 Art Contest Results

Weekly Bonuses Change on Mondays - Into The Deep Hotfix 3 - Feb 27, 2020

In this update it's worth noting that Weekly Bonuses are now active again during events, and that they change on Mondays....

February 25, 2020 Patch

Heckbugs In Love! - Art Challenge

For the next two weeks we encourage our Artists to create scenes of the Heckbugs in Love! event, drawing their characters or Trove characters in love. <3...

February 11, 2020 Art Contest

Heckbugs in Love! - Quest

Heckbugs in Love! runs from February 11, 2020 to February 25, 2020...

February 11, 2020 Event

Trove’s Heckbugs in Love 2020 is here!

What crawls on six legs, has one mouth, and is ready to try and eat you? Why, a heckbug of course! Heckbugs in Love These buggy baddies full of Defiance are out in force, and it’s up to you to stop them. You can’t do it alone,...

February 11, 2020 Blog