Colour Code: #000000
Type: 150
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Don't touch this.
デザイン者: Trove Team
Database Links
Community Links
Thanks for taking part in our Permafrost biome contest, here are the results from our guest judges [user=SkyTheVirus] and [user=Ainogommon]. Official contest art is created by SkyTheVirus, guest judges are chosen from our active pool of Artists....
March 2, 2018 Art Contest Biome Art Giveaway Results
We've updated the Trovesaurus database with the latest patch, see the article for listed changes to Collections, Items, Deco, Styles and Strings....
February 6, 2018 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Eclipse Update....
August 22, 2017 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Rise of the Shadow Tower Update....
September 15, 2015 Database Update
Trove launched July 9, two months on we take a look back on the changes since then, look at some numbers, and check in with the Trovesaurus staff and the Trove team....
September 10, 2015
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Inventory Expansion and Combat Numbers Edition....
August 4, 2015 Database Update
Source | Discussion Thread | Patch Countdown (downtime ~4 hours)...
August 4, 2015 Patch
The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, showing off the upcoming inventory expansion and some more information about the shadow titan/new class! Forum thread here!...
July 25, 2015 Livestream
Arriving tomorrow will be a patch to improve performance as well as some class tweaks and general improvements. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?27037-Dancing-Allies-and-Server-Capacity-Edition ...
July 13, 2015 Patch