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Saltwater Sam


Press [HK:Loot] to trade with the merchant.

Imported in Patch: Adventures Designed by: Trove Team

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Reeling in the Stars - PTS Patch Notes

We’re pleased to introduce the Reeling in the Stars patch for all of you, including the new Star Chart system and a rework of Fishing as some of you have already guessed. When introducing these systems, we wanted to create one that would reward inv...

November 10, 2022 Patch PTS

Boomeranger Blowup - PTS Patch Notes

When thinking about the Boomeranger, a core identifying feature of the class is choosing what weapon to use, so when considering how to update the class we wanted to make this choice matter more.  Now the Boomeranger gains different versions of the B...

September 15, 2022 PTS Patch

Hubdate - PC Update - Sept. 22, 2020

Welcome back, with a bigger and better Hub than before! We hope you feel just at home with the new Hubdate released today on PC. The PC Hub update or "Hubdate" is filled with features you could have found through menus, but now have a physical form and ...

September 21, 2020 Patch

Pirates Versus Ninjas Face-off Until Sept. 22

The final sun down of summer is approaching with an epic showdown to close out the season! Avast ye Trovians! The Pirate Captains are claiming they are the best treasure plunderers, but the sneaky stealing Neon Ninjas have something to say about i...

September 7, 2020 Blog Pirates vs Ninjas

Art Challenge - Plunder Pals

For this challenge we'd like you to draw something that focuses on the Plunder Pals event that is ongoing....

September 17, 2019 Art Contest

Quest Chain - Plunder Pals - September 10, 2019 - September 24, 2019

Yar Har Matey! Talk like a Pirate, Walk like a Pirate and Roam the Seas in this new event from Tuesday, September 10, 2019 to Monday, September 24, 2019 on PC's and Consoles....

September 10, 2019

Plunder Pals 2019

Avast ye mateys and ahoy! Trovians, are you prepared to take on the scourge of the Seven Seas? Our honest purveyor of fine ships and fishing essentials, Saltwater Sam, needs your help defending the Drowned Worlds against the Pirrots. Log in from Septembe...

September 10, 2019 Blog

Quest Chain - Turkeytopia 2018 - November 20, 2018 - December 03, 2018

Turkeytopia is Back! Defeat Dream Gobblers and score some epic loot during this two week event! From Tuesday, October 23, 2018 to Monday, November 05, 2018 on PC's and Consoles....

November 21, 2018 Event