We recently had a chat with Avarem at Gamescom, and he provided some Trove Carpet codes to us so that we could host a contest. We decided the best way to benefit us and you guys was to encourage people to write quality guides.
We've had some wonderful entries guys, thanks a lot. The winners will be mailed their codes on their Trovesaurus account.
For the listing of winners and runners up, please see below.
ChatTop ^
This category was very close, the shortlist was still 4 guides long with not that much between them. They all covered the chat main topics well.
Will be mailed a Trove Carpet on Trovesaurus
Celeress' guide I felt was presented in a more rounded way and was easier to read.
Special Mention
Will be mailed a Neon Ninja: Reboot costume on Trovesaurus
Special mention to lanekrushing's guide for having images that highlight specific parts of the chat, listing the channels specifically in a table, and common problems.
Other Entries
- Effectively Using In-Game Chat (custom channels, joining/leaving channels) by BonT-RexTrần
- Chat Guide for Trove Players by ShawnSteel
- Effectively Using The In-Game Chat (Everything you need to know to get started) by PyroPuf
- In Game Chats That are Useful by Zeph
Top ^
TradingTop ^
I chose the winner based on how it was easily broken down into sections, covered a wide range of topics and used formatting to bring attention to headings and important words.
Will be mailed a Trove Carpet on Trovesaurus
Other Entries
- WTS Trove Guide (1) - A Guide to Buying and Selling for Beginners by Scott
- Trading Safely In Trove by Artorius
- Safe Trading (how to trade safely in the world of trove whilst also having fun). Guide competition entry by Bradley Anderson-smith
- Safe Trading - Navigating the Scary World of Value by Vorinclex
- Guide: Safe Trading Outside of trove by TheRisingBlade
ClubsTop ^
This section was incredibly hard to choose between, they were all great with content, layout and use of images.
Will be mailed a Trove Carpet on Trovesaurus
I had to choose a winner and I felt that MyKanye's guides layout was clean and easy to read, it also used links to items on Trovesaurus which creates icons and tooltips.
Special Mention
Will be mailed a Neon Ninja: Reboot costume on Trovesaurus
DarkFaeQueen had clear headings and sections and lots of images to illustrate points. It did also include some information left out by other guides.
Other Entries
GearTop ^
The winning entry had a good clear layout, good use of images, loads of information!
Will be mailed a Trove Carpet on Trovesaurus
Other Entries
- The Million Dollar Secret - How to: Maximize your Flux Income (Book 1) by Sihxr
- Gearing your Magic Based Character (GamesCon Entry) by Sihxr
- Troves Guide to Gear (Obtaining, Stats and Upgrading) by RyanRadnell
- TROVE GEAR FORGING GUIDE for dummies (Complete & Updated!) by
ModdingTop ^
TeeKayM has waived his entry into the competition when creating this guide.
We didn't receive many entries for this section but I felt the winning entry had more solid content enhanced by a video not relying on it.
Will be mailed a Trove Carpet on Trovesaurus
Other Entries
- Making your own custom Costume/Mount! - Part 1 - Extracting needed files by
- Making your own custom Costume/Mount! - Part 2 - Converting and Editing files by
- Creating and Applying Mods with [Video] Guides! byMew2ian
OtherTop ^
Quality of these guides also wasn't exceptionally high, but they did have useful information. The winner I choose because I found it contained the information that people (me) would find more useful.
Will be mailed a Trove Carpet on Trovesaurus
Other Entries
Competition ThoughtsTop ^
It was great to see people create things, but it was exceptionally hard to choose winners. In the future I might have to pass that off to other automated methods like any submission being valid, or highest rating or most legit views.
The competition did highlight the weakness in my page view system, so I had to remove that and will need to write a new one.
I also thought that splitting guides into categories was a bit of a mistake, some categories had a lot of guides and some really didn't. In future it might not be for specific topics.