The Crack the Court patch has arrived, along with this an update to the game client. With this update, the Trove team have indicated the following mods were accepted.

We've extracted the following information from the client about future Chaos Chest rotations.

6 new allies, 6 new mounts, +1 ally

Members of the community can submit the Mods they create to the Trove Team for them to consider adding them to the game via Trovesaurus.

Edit: Corrected an ally being in the mounts category :)

New Chaos Chest allies

The following items will appear as future Chaos Chest rotations.

Muggy Cauldur, designed by TheStimerGames from Witche's Cauldron

Celestial Tendral, designed by pendk from Luna Octopi

Peter Pirate Guineapig, designed by TFMHisztike from Pirapiggy

Oozing Oscar, designed by TFMHisztike from Meltsss

Baffle Riccy, designed by SkyTheVirus from Baleful Reptilia

Shelly Shellback, designed by Eterne from Tiny Turtle and is their first mod accepted, welcome to the Modder rank!

New Chaos Chest mounts

Constel Starfox, designed by SkyRider3217 but has been incorrectly given credit at this time, it is from Shooting Starfox

Rainbow Struck, designed by SkyTheVirus from Chroma-Skater

Jack the Hammerhead, designed by TFMHisztike from Hammerhead Sharky

Mighty Tall Steed, designed by _FutureHero_ from Giraffe


Ocean Bed, designed by _FutureHero_ but has been incorrectly given credit at this time, it is from Sea Glider

Larry Candylion, designed by _FutureHero_ from Waffle Cone Lion

Other accepted items

The following mods have been accepted, but have not yet appeared in the client.

Pancake Manta from TFMHisztike

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