Thank you to our artists for taking part in our contest to draw the [collection=magical mudskipper] for Trove Lead Engineer Srayer. We have the results ready for you.
Highlights from Srayer
There were a lot of really great ones, and it was really hard to pick. but here are my four favorites (in no particular order):
Obviously, it's super cute. But I like that it tells a little story.
I'm not sure what's happening to the Jadefin in this picture, but I'm into it.
I found this to be extremely disturbing but lovable. And doesn't that perfectly describe a mudskipper?
I wanted to choose one purely for the art, and this is the one that appealed most to my personal aesthetic. Love it!
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you for submitting your entry into the Magical Mudskipper - Art Contest!
Unfortunately, we cannot consider this as a valid entry because this is a direct trace and lacks overall quality. As Etaew previously commented, "I hope we'll see some art with more of your personal style in future and not just trying to copy voxel for voxel the characters;" this also means tracing from an existing image is not a Personal Style.
Please try not to trace voxels or reference images, but we still hope to see your work in our contests to develop your style! :-)