Thanks for your participation in our celebration of Ainogommon and
KawaiiCaretaker, we have the results for you.
Ainogommon will distribute additional rewards, and Reward Tokens will come from us.

Tain&Kacey by

Lovely art style. Giving the feel of soft but yet solid. Really good value on the shading/lighting. Good use of perspective and body proportion plus mix 'n match of art styles. The only little problem was directional of lights. This piece, I have to admired the effort as well. A solid piece.
This type of style usually my preferred art style. The use of dynamic pose and some particle effects, not too low nor too noisy. Decent value given on the cloth. Motion and flowing of the character simply pleased to look at. There is some weird lighting around the face area though but otherwise a decent piece. I would give it a prop <3
The amount of efforts on this piece are quite amazing. Cute simplified art style but yet trying to captured all the detail of the characters. Coloring fit really well with the said style, feel warm and nice to look at. I have to admired.
Stylish lines as it is. Interesting art style, decent body proportions and capturing of details and flow of the cloth. The color might be a little bit saturated but overall a good piece. I like it.
Featured Art Comments:
Thanks for submitting an entry to Ainoblackiefest, however it looks like several external assets were used in creating it. We would like for you to participate in future contests but remind you that all work must be your own.
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you for your entry into the Ainoblackiefest Art Contest!
Your entry lacks a clear connection to any characters related to the references as listed and unfortunately doesn't qualify our minimum requirements as a valid entry for a reward.
We encourage you to look at the inspiration images for each contest to help you create an appropriate entry, we hope to see future attempts!
My take on that epic candy barbarian
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you for your entry into the Ainoblackiefest Art Contest!
As noted by your description, "I didn't colour," unfortunately, it lacks that sort of finesse to meet our minimum requirements to be eligible for a reward.
We'd still continually love to see more progression with your work, so please, keep up the good work!

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