Thanks for taking part in our art contest featuring Dopesheet, an Animator on Trove. We have the results from Dope and extra comments are from SkyTheVirus.

Very simple, fun, and full of color. I do like the hidden face within the monitor face.

Animation is nice and smooth and does fit well with what Dopesheet does as a developer for trove. It's nice to see some more animations in this gallery. Great Job!

Lol, the Pin EX spits out a regular celebratory pinata. That's hilarious! I'd be glad if Dopesheet got a laugh from that. XD

New boss has appeared


Featured Art Comments:

Thank you for entering the Second Wave of Dopesheet Art Contest! However, it seems like your entry doesn't quite meet our minimum effort requirements to be considered a valid entry due to the direct cut-out filters from the reference materials. Regardless, we'd love to see more of your work in the future!

Dropsheet Wallpaper.


Featured Art Comments:

This feels more like a Photoshopped Dopesheet reference image using the cut-out filters and the trove logo for the background. Unfortunately, this does not satisfy to be an entry due to the lack of effort and creativity.

Dopesheet Art


Featured Art Comments:

Thank you for entering the Second Wave of Dopesheet Art Contest! However, it seems like your entry doesn't quite meet our minimum effort requirements to be considered a valid entry due to the direct trace of your previous entry. Regardless, we'd love to see more of your work in the future!

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