Thanks to pendk we have the art results for the Beemancer contest.
An amazing piece of artwork, I really love the anime feel it have to it, the colors, the details in the picture is stellar, the perspective is amazing, and I love that you included both the bee mancer and the bee keeper in it.
An interesting and awesome piece of art, that I really love.
The art style is really nice also really like the amine feel to this artwork, the costume and background really match together perfectly, and I love the staff with the honey dripping and how the shoulders look.
The art style is really nice also really like the amine feel to this artwork, the costume and background really match together perfectly, and I love the staff with the honey dripping and how the shoulders look.
Good piece of art here, I love the drawing style is a bit different then on the other art pieces and the perspective is nice and all that honey is awesome.
I really like the background, it feels like you are inside the hive, it feels like the bee mancer is the queen of the hive and I really like that approach to the artwork.
Really like that the beemancer is inside the hive and looks to be dancing with the bees, looks really cute.
A fun piece of art, I can’t imagine the struggle to sell that honey, I hope he sells it all though, I love how the eyes look really derpy.
A cute art piece, all that honey really seems to make the beemancer happy.
A cute and bit derpy piece of art, but still very cool, I really like the eyes on the bee mancer.