(任务剧情描述以及怪物名字方面就暂时不翻译了 考虑下国际服的情况 先翻译一下重点(好吧我有点懒))
南瓜地牢, 玉米糖, 以及更多的坐骑(恩 更多的MR)。 如果不知道任务怎么做就来这边看看吧(x)
注 这可能包含剧透.(虽然我知道肯定都是直接刷任务)
活动持续时间2017年10月24日至11月6日 , PC和主机同步.
现登录可以在商店首页领取免费坐骑: [collection=collections/mount/carpet_music]
任务目标Top ^
#1/7: 完成南瓜地牢 (5个)
Shadow's Eve 2017 1/7: Trovian! It's me, Qubesly! Awaken your Drak-o-lantern and spookytime costumes - Shadow's Eve has returned and Pumpkin Lairs have risen across the landscape of Trove once more.
奖励 5x [item=item/crafting/boundbrilliance]
I don't care what anyone else says, those Pumpkin Lairs are spooky!
- 南瓜地牢现在能在任何地形找到, 只要找外形是一个大号南瓜的副本就是了
#2/7: 制作一个 Haunted Mystery Box
Shadow's Eve 2017 2/7: Candy Corn: love it or hate it? I prefer to turn it into other treats! New Haunted Mystery Boxes can be found on the Shadowy Station in the Hub.
奖励 5x [item=item/lootbox/chaoschest_notrade]
A box here. A box there. Filled with treats for all to share.
Crafted using: Shadowy Station (Shadowy)
- 制作台可以在主城右方的南瓜房内找到
#3/7: 收集南瓜 (50个)
Shadow's Eve 2017 3/7: Pumpkins are my favorite part of Shadow's Eve. Carved into decorations, eaten in a pie, or used to create something new at the Shadowy Station!
Pumpkins can be acquired through Gardening or from completing Pumpkin Lairs. They are also found in Shadow's Eve Adventurer Chests.
奖励 5x [item=item/gem/booster/booster4]
So many tasty pumpkins. Time to do some baking.
- 和花苞本一样在和平山丘可以找到 本次活动修改为诅咒峡谷内刷出南瓜本而不是和平山丘.
- 如果实在懒得刷或者找不到可以直接在玩家商城买50个
#4/7: 制作一个 Giant Pumpkin Pie
Shadow's Eve 2017 4/7: I'm throwing a Shadow's Eve Party but everyone is bringing tricks instead of treats. If you were to bake me a pie with those pumpkins you picked, I could offer you something nice in return.
A Giant Pumpkin Pie can be crafted at the Shadowy Station in the Shadow's Eve Hub.
奖励 5x [item=item/consumable/xp_double]
This pie is delicious! Here's something to aid you on the next leg of your journey.
Crafted using: Shadowy Station (Shadowy)
Pumpkin 50
- 制作地点同步骤2
#5/7: 完成一星地牢 (50)
Shadow's Eve 2017 5/7: Did you hear? Todstrom has shown his cowardly face again, this time in 1-Star Dungeons in the Cursed Vale!
Complete 1-Star Dungeons in any biome. Todstrom may appear in 1-Star Dungeons in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve, but his trick is your treat! Defeat him to receive extra rewards.
奖励 5x [item=item/crafting/boundbrilliance]
Todstrom never learns, does he?
#6/7: 杀死200个在诅咒峡谷的骷髅 (200)
Shadow's Eve 2017 6/7: I've always liked Cursed Vale but this time of year its denizens are out in droves, especially the bare-boned skeletons. Someone needs to do something about those guys, no bones about it!
奖励 5x [item=item/crafting/boundbrilliance]
You sure rattled their bones, Trovian!
- 有几种不同的骷髅类型以及对应用来生成的副群系
- 一种生成维京骷髅 (skeleton Vikings)
- 一种生成任务目标的骷髅 (Bare-bone skeletons) 和骷髅骑士 (Armored skeletons)
- 目前来看主要任务是杀死一丝不挂的那种骷髅
#7/7: 杀死一个在1星地牢的 Dracolich (直接去雪地随便找一个副本确定boss名字是Dracolish打死就行)
Shadow's Eve 2017 7/7: Have you ever seen a Dracolich? They reside in the Permafrost biome and horde their treasure below the ice. It is said that dispatching a Dracolich during Shadow's Eve will assure a Merry Snowfest in the future. Will you help end this celebration with a bang, Trovian?
奖励 5x [item=item/crafting/dragondiamond]
Have a spooky and safe Shadow's Eve, Trovian!
原文章的感谢列表↓(感谢这群肝帝在3小时内就把任务肝完了)Top ^
Parent Page
Quest chain - Shadow's Eve 2017 (Oct 24th - Nov 6th)
The Suntouched Shimmerwing needs your help again!
Evilagician October 24, 2017