Thanks to everyone for taking part in our T-Shirt contest, we've gone through the results and determined the ones that we think look best on T-Shirts from those submitted.

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Thank you so much! :D Are the devs gonna pick any to put on shirts though?

Fasti suggested we offer the tshirts to more of the team behind the scenes that we don't see. So apart from the regulars (who I don't have answers for yet), they all chose (or were assigned) blueprints and not art.

I could have been more forceful limiting their options, but for the purposes of this contest, we chose the winners based on appearance on a tshirt regardless.

Aww man, seeing my render on a dev's shirt would have been the best prize to me :( Thank you for replying though! I'm really glad that you hosted this contest regardless :D

First place looks perfect for a t-shirt. Good pick!

I feel like first place was chosen poorly, but gg anyways

Dang son... got some fries with that salt?

dood the one on 1stPlace is DOPE