The Class Builds section is almost ready to make a comeback, with support for choosing weapon, face, head bonus rolls as well as major gems choices and gem stat priorities. In order to finalise what is a very crowded page, I'd love to hear from you guys what you would like to see in the builds section.
Leave a comment on this page with one of the following:
- An example build in the comments with information you think is important
- A list of things you think are important to share with people when talking about builds
- Feedback on the presentation of the information
- Tuesday, January 3, 2017 to Wednesday, January 4, 2017
- 6 random on-topic commenters will receive 1x Reward Token for use in the Trovesaurus Rewards section
How it looks right now
Equipment presentation seems adequate.
Ally and Flasks should probably be condensed like Equipment, as well as making sure that the effects are the only text.
Empowered Gems take up a lot of space.
Lesser Gems take up a large amount of space, it could be that I don't need to display lesser gem images on each section, or even have each gem seperately and instead show a single gem stat priority list.

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i would try to make it as noob friendly as possible. so not abrivating what stats are.
- First of all : describe what the class do without and with the class gem separatly ( Abilities ). Describe his bonus too ex : "dracolyte have a reduction of lava damage".
- It's a good thing to know the role of the class : Support / dps / tank
- In witch use it's used ( Shadow Tower / Grinding / PvP / Challenges / ... ).
- equipments : name of the weapon + face / hat / weapon / rings stats
- extras : the combo potions/emblems for farming/st etc...
- Gems : on a separate section give (name for the empowered gems) + stats of Empowered / lesser gems
Concrete example :
Lunar Lancer
Description :
"Guardians of the Twilight Stratospheres, Lancers accumulate lunar power as they fight, eventually erupting into full Lunatic Mode. They can also call down a blessing from their missing deity, and use Grappling Spear for damage and mobility."
[cant put all pictures of abilities] :/
Bonus : ( 30% bonus damage)
The Lunar Lancer is an Damage (dps) class and hand-to-hand fight
Role : farming and shadow tower
Equipments :
Weapon : ( Spear ) [ PD / CD / CH / ER ]
Hat : [ MH / CD / CH / AS ]
Face : [MH / CD / PD / AS ]
Ring : [ PD / ER ]
Extras :
farming :
- Emblems : [(at -60% of CH : Surestrike ) (at +60% of CH : Beamer) / martial]
- Flask : [DDF / Conjurer (if you have big amount of MF)]
- Ally :
Rapt Berserker
shadow tower :
- Emblems :
- Flask : [DDF]
- Ally :
Rapt Berserker
Gems :
Lessers :
5 of 6 : PD / CD / CH
1 of 6 : PD / CH / MH
-Taking up too much space isn't a huge concern when it comes to guides IMO, but if you wanted to save some space, taking out the pictures of gems would likely cut down the space needed a lot. They're completely unnessecary, and possibly even confusing in some cases.
-To my understanding, this presentation method just lists off a set of equipment that the author reccomends. That's not enough. It needs to be mentioned WHAT exactly the build is meant for (Grinding, STs, general use, etc.)
-I'd really like a list/chart/guide of some sort that says what stats to prioritize over others for each class. That might be more of a Class Guide than a Class Build, but I think many people would be VERY appreciative of something like that.
All in all though, this setup seems pretty good. I'm excited to have a (hopefully) reliable place for class builds.
Thank you Etaew, and Digiwolf for making such a great site and community!
I do like this set up, because page crowding isn't necessarily a bad thing when you're presenting data to someone. Though will there still be space for essentially what is a "how to use this build" section?
Example being my TR guide Here
I go over strategy, and how to use what gear and such I present.

So far the only feedback on builds is to have the three main stats right now. I do think a disclaimer on this saying that with HR rework that things could change but as it is right now, HR is poopie...
Shadow Hunter Build I use: (Farming build)
Hat: MH/CD or AS/MF/ CD or AS
Face: MH/CD or AS/CH/CD or AS
Ring: PD/MF
Weapon: PD/CH/CD/AS
I always use the SureStrike Emblem / Death Defying Vial / Martial Emblem
Cotton Candy for Ally
As for the layout I would just change the minor gems and combine them into 3 windows. 2 drop downs for the stats for Blue then Yellow then Red. That way it will be more compact.
Gems section feels confusing with all 3 colors on every tab. would be nice to have it so that it was simply "gems" instead of having the different colors, as the colors dont really matter outside of prim dragons, which arent being counted here. another thing that could be useful is a "variation" option, where a checkbox could be checked and it would change the build slightly to fit a slightly different description, like an alternative ally you could use or different stat.
While the ability to view possible builds and mix and match the gear and equipment and numbers could be useful for some players, I think what a lot of newer (up to 15k PR) players need is demonstration of "ideal effective builds" and "good enough builds". This is hard to put into words here, but the question I get asked the most by newer players is "will this piece of gear work/be good enough for X class", because very few players (including myself) have all perfect gems. So when faced with a decision between the three star CD CH HR gem or the two star PD CD (CH at 5) gem players can make an informed descision of what to use to best suit their needs. Maybe this would work best as a flow chart or even a written guide. I feel like gear stats take way less precedence over the convoluted RNG gem system.
I also like @MoonKnight98's suggestion to have player submitted builds tagged with their intention. (Endgame, tank, solo, etc)
Also my Chloromancer build (not for farming, why farm on anything but NN :P):
The "Effective Chloromancer"
Hat: MH / CD / Any / AS
Staff: MD / AS / CH / ER
Face: MH / CD / MD / AS
Ring: MD / ER
Flask: Minion Multiplication (DD if you have lag)
Emblems: Arcane / Evil Eye
Ally: Chronomancer (Important! This allows you to throw your exploding flowers more frequently)
Gems: MD, Crit Hit up to 100%, CD
Notes about build: AS is maxed on gear instead of CD because your basic attack grows the exploding flowers. This is where all your damage comes from. Throw the flowers, shoot the flowers, do the damage. Chronomancers and higher ER allows you to throw more frequently, also increasing the spawn rate of the Green Galting cacti. Chloro is a sustain and NOT a burst class, and requires some set up time, which is why I don't recommend it for farming.
Ir should probably be a little more compact and maybe should have a possibility to show options for emblems, such as:martial or surestrike. Or for allys: rapt berserker/prowling shadow. It would be awesome if there was a place for people to show their favorite costume builds for the class. It basically looks good to me though.
Dracolyte build:
Overview: Dracolyte is a tank class with a good AOE damage.
Staff: Magic Damage / Critical Damage / Critical Hit / Energy Regeneration
Hat: Maximum Health / Maximum Health % / Critical Damage / Movement Speed
Face: Maximum Health / Maximum Health % / Critical Damage / Movement Speed
Ring: Magic Damage / Energy Regeneration
The perfect stats for all gems are: Maximum Health % and Magic Damage but you need also Critical Hit / Critical Damage
The perfects empowered gems bonus for dracolyte are : Pyrodisc and Stinging Curse
Allies and Flask:
The perfect allies are Prowling shadow and Chronomancer (for farming)
The perfect flask is Valorous Vial
Good luck with this build, hope you enjoyed :)

liked this!
I think it should be a more compact platform and easy to use, like the proper ingame character page, it should also have a "total bonus stats" section to show what you're getting from this build, also, i think a "tag system" would be a great way to quickly explain the purpose of the build, tags like "Adventure Worlds grind", "Ultra towers", "Endgame Only", "Tank", "DPS", etc.
(Love your work Etaew and Digiwolf <3)
I think that there should be option where we could see stats with 10% bonus from primodial and whne turn off then see without it.
Numbers everywhere. For example, in the gems instead of just having "Critical Hit", it should have the optimal/expected value of the stat at common levels (15/20/25). Then a section showing the Power Rank and stats of the complete build.
A calculator that can recommend changes according to the top builds would be great.
NN fast dungeon farming
Weapon: PD AS JP MS (AS for quick for quick shuriken charge )
Ally: shock / cotton candy
Ring: PD/MF
1) For <75% CH
Flask: death-defying vial
Emblems: 1) Martial
2) Surestrike if you have <65% CH or Trailblazing for higher MS
2) For >75%CH , but can't one shot bosses
Flask: death-defying vial or Vial of Minion Multiplication (if you feel comfortable with your hp)
Emblems: 1)Martial
2)Beamer Emblem
3)For >75%CH , can one shot bosses
Flask: death-defying vial
Emblems: 1) Martial
2) Trailblazing
I believe there should be option for sub builds such as classifying it into smaller section: Tank, DPS, or Support. This should help members look for a build within that class alot faster and the desire build they would like.
I also think there should be a section for a in depth guide for the author of the build to guide player through gears such as allies for certain stats and what to change once you reach with. For example: once you reach 100% CH, you most likely would not need Surestrike anymore... So there should be a section for alternitives.
Neon Ninja ultimate speed farming build + high magic find
Ally : Rapt Berseker - killing an enemy gives movement speed boost also the classic 20% pd
Flask : death defying (classic one, nothing fancy)
Emblems : zealous emblem - because you will be jumping and spamming m2, when the energy goes out you flask and it's full again (in case the damage is not enough, replace this with martial emblem)
Emblems : trailblazing - it gives movement speed boost
Gems : Just Pyrodisk - when it procs it gives movement speed
Weapon : PD CD CH MS
Face : MH CD PD MS
Ring : PD MF
Style of play : In between dungeons always jump and spam M2 while holding S. If everything is proccing at the same time you get 259 ms but S + M2 spam gives you ~ 300.
There should be an option for someone to see what builds are available for each class, for example if someone clicked on the Candy Barbarian it would present them with either a Tank or a Damage build or any other popular build.
Also there could be a page where people submit their own builds and if they are recieved well they are added to the Class Builds section.
For the lesser gems, can you display a small gem icon in the header, and just go with stat priorities?