On this day: July 8


PTS Update - July 7, 2023

Trove Forums July 8, 2023 0 0

The Hardest Trove quiz!

Hello Trovians!
In celebration of Video Game Day, we’re challenging you, our wonderful community, with an incredible test of your Trove knowledge!

Trove Blog July 8, 2023 0 1


Luxion returns – Until July 11, 2022!

Luxion returns to the Hub to spice up your collections. Speed into the weekend with our Steaming Cycle & don’t miss this opportunity to get your very own (rolli) corgi that will accompany you on your next adventures in Trove.

Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from July 8 and will magically disappear on July 11 at 11:00 am UTC.

Trove Blog July 8, 2022 0 0


Lunar Mod Challenge - Results

Thanks to everyone who took part in our Lunar Mod Challenge by submitting mods to the Lunar Mod Challenge mod pack , the Trove Team have decided on the results.

Etaew July 8, 2020 0 1

Rainbow Art Challenge - Results

Thanks for everyone who took part in our Rainbow art challenge, we have the results back from Mobi ready for you.

Etaew July 8, 2020 0 0


Friday Trove Livestream! 12:30 PM PDT (7:30 PM GMT) July 8, 2016

Join us this Friday as we livestream on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! This week Avarem is back from his whirlwind adventures and we’re going to show off some of our special plans for our first anniversary! It’s Trove’s birthday, and the party starts on July 12th!

Trove Blog July 8, 2016 0 0

Deathwing Dracolyte

[Deleted User]


Duck Mod

[Deleted User]
