On this day: January 10
Snowfest 2023 - Art Challenge Results
Thank you to everyone who took part in our art challenge to celebrate Snowfest 2023, we've had the results from the Trove Team and they are ready for you. We've sent out the rewards and just released sets of Cranny Animal Costumes 1 on the Rewards section.
Etaew January 10, 2024
Small trip to the desert of Trove!
To start the new year adventurous, we suggest you go on a trip to the Trove desert – but take a good look at the photo below to find out who has come to join us!
Trove Blog January 10, 2022 0
Trovesaurus – Creations Challenge – Bunfest Dungeon Eggshells
Dear Trovians,
You are creative and want to create Dungeon Eggshells for this year’s Bunfest?
Go to the Trovesaurus website to read the terms of participation of the Creations Challenge – Bunfest Dungeon Eggshells >>> HERE <<<.
Don’t forget to read the rules so that your creations can – if they are selected – become reality in Trove and all players will see what you have created!
You can submit your creations until January 28, 2022 and get the chance to earn great rewards if your creation is selected!
Have fun!
Best wishes,
Your Trove Team!
Trove Blog January 10, 2022 0
Oozing Oscar - Art Challenge
For the next two weeks [TFMHisztike] is challenging our artist community to draw the [Oozing Oscar] ally for a chance to win one.
Etaew January 10, 2022
The first Luxion of 2020 is here!
Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a gorgeous dragon who returns to the Hub twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You’ll find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible from January 10 until January 14. He’ll vanish at 4 AM PST (11 PM UTC) on January 14, so don’t wait too long!
Trove Blog January 10, 2020 1
Builder's Club Spotlight #17e00: Evil Introductions
To highlight community creations, we're going to feature a Builder's Spotlight once every two weeks. In this issue, I'll introduce me, myself and my creations. Because this is a community spotlight, this will be the only self-spotlight.
Evilagician January 10, 2017
This Week in Trove – January 10
This week in Trove we have some great stuff going on so we thought we’d give you all the deets. Do the young people still say “deets”? Did they ever? Fantastic!
Trove Blog January 10, 2017 0