Etaews Dream Challenge
Mod Packs (List)
Created by
Etaew 6 years ago, updated 3 years ago
Mods that have been created as part of a Modding Challenge to mod the Rig or Theme of an Ally unlocked from Dev or Streamer Dream boxes.
Challenge Participants
This challenge is invitation only for those with the Modder rank on Trovesaurus. I am reaching out to people individually, but if you want to take part, send me a message.
Challenge Details
- Choose either [the dev dream], [the streamer dream], [the streamer dream 2], [the streamer dream 3].
- Whatever is unlocked you should either:
-- mod the rig that is unlocked
-- or use another rig to mod the theme that is unlocked
- There is no time limit, the aim is to help provide motivation and focus on creating something to help those that are stuck or bored
Challenge Participants
This challenge is invitation only for those with the Modder rank on Trovesaurus. I am reaching out to people individually, but if you want to take part, send me a message.
Challenge Details
- Choose either [the dev dream], [the streamer dream], [the streamer dream 2], [the streamer dream 3].
- Whatever is unlocked you should either:
-- mod the rig that is unlocked
-- or use another rig to mod the theme that is unlocked
- There is no time limit, the aim is to help provide motivation and focus on creating something to help those that are stuck or bored
Downloading via TroveTools.NET requires having it installed
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