Mod Accepted - This mod was accepted into the game 5 years ago

Different versions of files for this mod.
Now has a ui file (c_mt_raptor_ui)
first version
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: MisterY
Tags: Mount
Notes: V11 - now with a ui file
Preview Path: blueprints/tearexpreview.png
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 13+
- c_mt_raptor_body
- c_mt_raptor_body
- c_mt_raptor_head
- c_mt_raptor_head
- c_mt_raptor_jaw
- c_mt_raptor_jaw
- c_mt_raptor_l_foot
- c_mt_raptor_l_foot
- c_mt_raptor_l_hand
- c_mt_raptor_l_thigh
- c_mt_raptor_r_hand
- c_mt_raptor_ui
- c_mt_raptor_ui
- blueprint 1