Different versions of files for this mod.
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Altairyx
Tags: Ally
Notes: Replaces Euler (Ally). Made for Trovesaurus' Random Dev Dream Modding challenge.
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 44+
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_bl
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_bl_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_bl_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_bl_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_br
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_br_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_br_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_br_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_fl
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_fl_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_fl_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_fl_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_fr
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_fr_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_fr_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_foot_fr_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_head
- c_c_zardille_otter_head_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_head_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_head_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_hips
- c_c_zardille_otter_hips_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_hips_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_hips_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_jaw
- c_c_zardille_otter_jaw_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_jaw_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_jaw_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_tail_01
- c_c_zardille_otter_tail_01_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_tail_01_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_tail_01_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_tail_02
- c_c_zardille_otter_tail_02_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_tail_02_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_tail_02_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_torso
- c_c_zardille_otter_torso_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_torso_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_torso_t
- c_c_zardille_otter_ui[dopesheet]
- c_c_zardille_otter_ui[dopesheet]_a
- c_c_zardille_otter_ui[dopesheet]_s
- c_c_zardille_otter_ui[dopesheet]_t
- png 1+
- furret
- [collection=Euler]
Extra information for this mod.
Created: October 10, 2019
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,965
Downloads: 77
Inspired Work
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Inspired by Furret from Pokémon.
Visible on TroveTools