3 Day Patron Pass
Use to grant yourself 3 days of Patron status. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!
Imported in Patch: Chaotic Suger Glider & Strike A Pose Edition Conçu par : Trove Team
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Dear Xbox Trovians, We know how frustrating the recent issues have been, especially with the downtime on April 10, 2024, and the missing updates and events on Xbox. We’ve some good news for you! We are actively working on a so...
April 19, 2024 Blog
We've had reports from players of different platforms that when you log in you will see 7 days of Patron in your Claims. This comes in the form of items, 2 [3 day patron pass] and 1 [1 day patron pass] so you can use them when you want. Edit: Announced a...
December 22, 2023
Hey folks. We know everyone has questions and concerns regarding the recent extended downtime for the PC. We're very happy to have Trove back online and our Customer Support team continues the work of cleaning up the damage done by a handful of players wi...
August 11, 2018 Announcement
Greetings PS4 Trovians! We know there have been a number of large issues on Trove PS4 and we wanted to spread the word on how we're planning to make this right. The plan is to start sending these items to players starting this week but it's a large number...
April 12, 2018 Announcement
Greetings, folks! On Monday, April 2, 2018 we ran into a few bugs that were very frustrating. The bonus day for Shadow Towers wasn't properly applied to Caches and Souls, plus there was general instability that added to these problems....
April 5, 2018 Announcement
We've updated the Trovesaurus database with the latest patch, see the article for listed changes to Collections, Items, Deco, Styles and Strings....
February 6, 2018 Database Update
Radiant DayspringStarting in July, earn a Daily Login Token each day you login to Trove. These tokens and rewards will change on a monthly basis. A new crafting bench, the Radiant Dayspring, has been added to the Novice Crafting Bench. The new D...
June 23, 2017 Patch
This week in Trove we’re ramping up for lots of amazing things just over the horizon! Read on for the latest Trove news. Playing Trove on consoles? The top Chaos Chest prize this week is the calcium enriched Boneweaver mount! Oh, Boneweaver, I bel...
February 21, 2017 Blog
This week in Trove we’re celebrating Lunar New Year on the PC and doubling up XP for console players! Read on for the latest Trove news. Playing Trove on consoles? The top Chaos Chest prize this week is the shimmering Radiant Steed! In additi...
January 25, 2017 Blog