Mana Maximizer
Increases the maximum amount of Wild Trovian Mana you can carry by 100!
Imported in Patch: Punches & Potions Designed by: Trove Team
Cannot be traded
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A Mega Mana Maximizer is now available to craft at the Alchemystic's Lab for 10x mana maximizers Costs, stats and recipe requirements for collectables in Martial Arts system have been adjusted. Ally stats for Mysticism have also been adjusted. Empowe...
Corrected an issue that was causing many new blueprints to be invisible. Occasionally, and depending upon profession rank, when crafting any Mantra, Shout, or Stance, the player may receive a specific, consumable weapon style for a Martial Arts weapon....
Mana Maximizers can rarely drop from Heavy Pressurized Chests in Delves, starting at Depth 110 10 Mana Maximizers per week can be obtained from the Shadowy Soul Vault in Delves (5 given from the 6th open, 1 given for the first 5 opens). 1+ Mana Maximi...
With the Punches & Potions patch now available on the Public Test Server (PTS) we are continuing our series previewing some of the content. This article focuses on Mysticism and the Potions and Buffs that are involved with it. While our last article ...
November 11, 2023 PTS
Some Mystic Arts recipes (like collectables) require Crystallized Elemental Mana to craft. This Mana can be found by hunting Lesser Mana Beasts, which appear in Drowned, Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, and Geode Topside adventure worlds. Mana Maximiz...
With Punches & Potions we wanted to give players a long requested feature – a way for players to view their active effects, see longer descriptions, and more accurate durations. We additionally want to give players some new ways to control...