PTS Update 2 November 17, 2023
Trove Forums
November 17, 2023
- Corrected an issue that was causing many new blueprints to be invisible.
- Occasionally, and depending upon profession rank, when crafting any Mantra, Shout, or Stance, the player may receive a specific, consumable weapon style for a Martial Arts weapon. If this style is already unlocked, it will provide Positive Karma when interacted with.
- [PTS] Martial Arts collections are now craftable at the Altar of Martial Artistry (note: prices are not finalized).
- Fixed a bug that prevented Mana Maximizer from dropping correctly in some cases for Leviathans
- Some Mystic Arts recipes (like collectables) require Crystallized elemental Mana to craft. This Mana can be found by hunting Lesser Mana Beasts, which appear in Drowned Worlds, Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, and Geode Topside adventure worlds. Beware the Empowered Manabeasts, brought-forth into the world occasionally when destroying the non-elemental Mana Beasts found in these zones.
- Fixed an issue that caused bonus 'elemental mana from mana beasts to drop 100% of the time rather than sometimes.
- Fixed an issue that caused bonus elemental mana from mana beasts to be active in all Uber levels: Now one bonus roll becomes available in Uber-5, and a second in Uber-9.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the colorless mana creature from dropping any Wild Trovian Mana.
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