Usages Download

Dragon Coin


Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub. Acquire by doing challenges or from the Dragon tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).

Imported in Patch: Shadowy Spotlight Criado por: Trove Team

Não pode ser trocado

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Patch Notes - Loot Collector, Vault Clubs, Steam Workshop - October 25, 2016

Loot Collector The revamped loot collector UI is now live! It now represents all your loot collectable items at once in an easy to parse list view and has the following additional new features: Lock items to prevent them from being easily loot ...

October 20, 2016 Patch

Livestream Notes - October 7

Thanks to Shirokiri who has posted the notes for this livestream on the Trove Forums. Source:

October 8, 2016 Livestream

Trove Translation Party – Brazilian Portuguese

Oi pessoal. We’re teaming up with CrowdIn, and our Brazilian community, to translate Trove into Brazilian Portuguese. Sign up now to help out and earn Trovian Translation Treasures! How does it work? Sign up for a CrowdIn account and he...

September 14, 2016 Blog

Patch - The Mighty Jungle - Sep 13, 2016

Jurassic JungleThe Jurassic Jungle biome is now live! It has new decoration recipes, styles, and enemies! It will start showing up randomly in Prime adventure worlds. Have fun! Includes a Dino Egg Temple lair from stedms! The Dino Tamer is now av...

September 13, 2016 Patch

Das Boost – New $5 Boost Packs

Introducing two brand new ways to get a boost: Gem and Dragon Boost Packs! The Dragon Boost Pack grants 50 Dragon Coins to put you well on your way to legendary dragon ownership. The Gem Boost Pack provides an Empowered Gem Box, ten Gem Booster Boxes, ...

August 16, 2016 Blog


Tradução do patch notes de 16/08 "Daily Loot" Os servidores devem ficar offline por 90 minutos, a partir das 11 da manhã horário de Brasília....

August 16, 2016 BR Patch Portuguese

PT-BR Livestream Notes August 12

Tradução das notas da livestream de 12 de agosto, feitas por HeroOfPeace originalmente no fórum Fonte: ...

August 13, 2016 BR Livestream Portuguese

Livestream Notes - August 12

Thanks to HeroOfPeace who has written up notes from the developer livestream on Friday. This stream featured information on Server Status, New Login Rewards and Gems & Class Contest Changes. Source:

August 13, 2016 Livestream