Thanks to Shirokiri who has posted the notes for this livestream on the Trove Forums.
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?110107-Trove-Livstream-Notes-07-10-2016
- MODS!! Sidenote: Ted is great at mazes, and doesn't cheat at all.
- "What is time, is time even real, who can even tell" - Avarem
- Available via the escape menu, you can find all the details of any mod you wish to add. The file name is called .tmod .
- Fantastic work from the mod creators, big shoutout to all of you for your work and submissions. Thankyou
- New limited time events will show in the top right, where your cubits bar is, the ones shown this time was for Diamond Dragonite, one for lapis luckbugs, one for empowered gem boxes and one for the event mount Bitten Kitten.
- 400 Diamond Dragonite makes 1 Diamond Dragon
Ways to get them:
Time event for 50, keep an eye out for future events, complete 25 challenges to get this one.
Daily Dragonite for total power rank.
Diamond Dragontie Pouch containing 10, very rare drop in u9.
33 stack of Greater Dragon Caches in the store which the deal with have 1 pouch. - Storage clubs coming to PTS.
Questions and Answers Session
Club rename cards?
If the demand is there, its something we can look it
Ring update this year or distant future?
Neither, first half next year was the plan, see how things go.
Any plans for a submarine mount, faster underwater and don't float like boats?
Sounds interesting, airships was mentioned once before, maybe.
More overworld bosses like chocolate dragon please?
Enjoyed making it, more will be on the way, assuming the spawn rates will be looked at before released to make sure not too common.
Removal of 0 and 1 star gems from karma procs on gem boxes?
Still not totally planned but there are some changes on gems we are planning. Taking feedback on it
Forged souls sink?
Early next year, first half, want to work more on weapons, the souls will be useless for that.
Unyielding emblem nerf? It makes half the stats irrelevant.
Willing to look at it, balance pass to be worked on but its something that comes out in 1 big update not in small ones.
Dragon coin drops from specific world bosses?
Don't want to make it totally grindable. Like the idea of catchup mechanics. Will look at it if they feel it needs a catchup.
Shadow ganda?
"I plead innocence" - Avarem
Club 2.0 ETA?
Some work has been worked on but its for dev only, progress is being worked on it. This is also the reason some of the permissions bugs/kicking bug have appeared. Needs mor einterface and bug fixing.
Can you give cloud mounts, fae boughskimmer, shadowy sarcophagus etc ability to glide?
Talked about previously, might do, might not.
Pet system? Roaming NPC's maybe?
May be doing something thatll make you happy.
When do we get the ability to lock our cornerstone to avoid random accidents?
No answer given
Auto stacking for things like flux?
Want to make things like flux have their own inventory space so it can just stack unlimited. Its not fun to managed inventory and crafting resources.
Working on inventory stuff to revamp the UI so as to save hassle like that.No ETA but the UI team is working on it, good feedback received.
Any plans on adding extra officer and club chest?
Storage worlds have 15 extra slots.
Any updates to adding new things to loot tables such as Trove of Wonders.
Few areas to work on rewards for Mastery to be first then Shadow Tower and then Trove of Wonders in that order.
Is there a chance youll give us customisation for chat channels colours?
Chat is a UI that needs some work on it, but its probably gonna be after the club update.
Will there be new mounts you can unlock with the omni mount unlocker?
Answered last week but yes.
How did you come up with the name Avarem?
Coming up with a name on the internet kinda sticks you with it for a while. It was an everquest character name, from an old rpg game. it carried on as he went on.
New streamer allies?
Checked in with Atronos, needs animation support, try to get them live by early november.
Discounts in steam for brazilians?
Had to be disabled due to regional pricing issues where people would buy and sell for profit in a different currency. Its being worked on.